Current PhD Students

Mina Rohanizadegan (E-mail)                                                                                       

Mina holds a MSc in Astronomy from Saint Mary’s University in Halifax. Her PhD research examines the sensitivity of evapotranspiration to topographically dependence of vegetation in complex mountainous terrains. She will also examine the role of turbulent wind flows in complex terrain on modulating heat and moisture fluxes from vegetated and snow cover surfaces, and their correlation with topography. The aim is to improve modeling of evapotranspiration in complex sloped terrains.

Murdoch McKinnon (E-mail)                                                                                       

Murdoch received his BSc in Environmental Science from Mount Royal University in Calgary. His PhD research is focused on the restoration of peatland ecosystem function on oil and gas well pads constructed in fens near the Athabasca oil sands region. Specifically, Murdoch’s work seeks to better understand the environmental controls on re-establishment of peatland mosses, and the resilience of restored ecosystems to disturbances like wildland fire.

Bronwyn Riddoch (E-mail)        __                                                                               

Bronwyn holds a Masters in Geography and Environmental Management from the University of Waterloo. Her PhD research focuses on the role of phosphorus in influencing crop water use efficiency and carbon allocation in a balanced fertilized application program. She is also exploring how rising temperatures and increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations influence phosphorus requirements in crops to sustain yields. 

Tim Trembath (E-mail)                                                       ___________________     

Tim has a diverse range of research interests completing a BSc (Hons) majoring in environmental science and marine biology at Griffith University in Gold Coast, Australia before attaining a MEnvSc from the University of Toronto, Canada looking at the uptake of Hg in constructed wetlands.  Currently his PhD research is looking at the hydrophysical properties of a constructed upland watershed as part of mine reclamation efforts in Alberta’s oil-sands region. The research focuses on hydrological budgets, hydro-connectivity, snowmelt and energy balance partitioning.

Jessica Williamson (E-mail)                                    ______________                        

Jessica completed her MSc in Geography from the University of Waterloo. Her current research focuses on the spatial and temporal variability of evapotranspiration within vineyards in the Niagara growing region of Ontario. The aim of her research is to provide a more detailed look at how grapevines are using and losing water throughout various points of the vineyard, to allow growers to have a better understanding of crop water requirements and necessary management practices.

Rulun Xao (E-mail)                                    ______________________                        


Rulan has a B.Sc. in Physical Geography and a certificate in GIS  from SFU, and an M.Sc. in Geography from UNBC. His PhD research focuses on investigating alpine forest hydrological processes using meteorological data and remote sensing. The goal is to upscale current evapotranspiration (ET) estimation from the hillslope to the river basin.