Synoptic Climatology and Surface Interactions

A key aspect of much of my research is the interaction of the surface – atmosphere interface with larger scale climatic patterns, and controls. Much of this research will involve a synoptic climatological analysis of the Western Canadian Boreal Forest zone, and much of the Southern and Montane areas of Alberta, in addition to ground energy balance and ecohydrological research at similar sites throughout the province, to study the influence of large scale weather on the surface hydrological and biogeochemical regimes. I am also looking at synoptic scale patterns in Southern Ontario in the non-summer months; specifically the conditions responsible for, and the probability patterns of, freeze – thaw cycles. Especially in agricultural soils, these cycles have been found to be critical periods of trace gas emissions on an annual scale.


For this research I am seeking masters, or doctoral, student(s) with a strong background in climatology with excellent mathematical and computer skills.