Current Masters Students

Eric Murray (E-mail)                                                            

ericEric received his Bachelor’s in Geography and Sustainability from Wilfrid Laurier University. Research focuses on the influence of groundwater and vegetation on alpine wetland evapotranspiration. His project aims to observe seasonal wetland-scale fluxes of ET and determine the significance of snowmelt. As well as to estimate how much ET originates from groundwater at the site of a eddy covariance flux tower over the growing season. 


Savanna Cherry (E-mail)                                                            

Savanna is a Master’s student in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management and is a member of University of Waterloo's Water Institute. She completed her undergraduate degree in Environmental Sciences at McMaster University.

Her research focuses on peatland carbon cycling in the Kananaskis region of Alberta, examining how peatland ecosystems respond to harvesting disturbances. By assessing carbon transport through groundwater and atmospheric interactions, she aims to contribute to understandings of low elevation alpine peatlands in the Canadian Rockies. 

Thomas Odland (E-mail)                                                            

Work: Soil Evolution on Reconstructed Lake Upland

Position: MSc Geography (Water)

Description: Thomas research focuses on remediating the oil sands in Fort McMurray, and the relationship between soil and groundwater. His project focuses on a prototypical reconstructed lake and upland called Demonstration Pit Lake, studying the soil evolution, and predicting the effects of freeze-thaw cycles.