
New Article: Gingras-Hill, Nwaishi, Macrae, Price & Petrone Feb, 2018

March 19, 2018

New article recently published to Echohydrology by recent Hyromet M.Sc (2017) graduate Tristan Gingras-Hill et al. This work largely focussed on the work Tristan completed for his M.Sc degree with contributions from other Hydromet researchers Rich Petrone and Felix Nwaishi and Department of Geography professors Johnathan Price and Merrin Macrae. 

Check out the article in Ecohydrology here, below is the abstract.




Read more about New Article: Gingras-Hill, Nwaishi, Macrae, Price & Petrone Feb, 2018

Hydromet Group at CGU Eastern Student Section: Western 2018

March 19, 2018

Students of the Hydrometeorology Research Group (7!!) recently attended the CGU Eastern Student Section annual gathering this year at the Western University on March 17, 2018. Students displayed their upcoming resarch and results in both presentation and poster formats. Check below for pictures of everyone that attended & their research! 

Thanks to Western for hosting the day of networking and providing a platform to share our knowledge and findings.


Read more about Hydromet Group at CGU Eastern Student Section: Western 2018