
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Falls, L. C. , Haas, R. , & Tighe, S. . (2004). A comparison of asset valuation methods for civil infrastructure. In TAC/ATC 2004 - 2004 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Transportation Innovation - Accelerating the Pace. Retrieved from
Shah, A. , Tighe, S. , & Stewart, A. . (2004). Development of a unique deterioration index, prioritization methodology, and foreign object damage evaluation models for Canadian airfield pavement management. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 31, 608-618. doi:10.1139/L04-018
Wei, C. , & Tighe, S. . (2004). Development of preventive maintenance decision trees based on cost-effectiveness analysis: An Ontario case study. Transportation Research Record, 9-19. Retrieved from
Flintsch, G. W. , Bernhardt, K. L. S. , Zhang, Z. , & Tighe, S. . (2004). Enhancing infrastructure management education through collaboration. In ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings (pp. 5151-5159). Retrieved from
Tighe, S. , Haas, R. , & Kennepohl, G. . (2004). An integrated field and laboratory research initiative for advancing pavement technology. In TAC/ATC 2004 - 2004 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Transportation Innovation - Accelerating the Pace. Retrieved from
Haas, R. , Falls, L. C. , & Tighe, S. . (2004). Integrating pavement and asset management in functional and operational terms. In TAC/ATC 2004 - 2004 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Transportation Innovation - Accelerating the Pace. Retrieved from
Knight, M. , Tighe, S. , & Adedapo, A. . (2004). Trenchless installations preserve pavement integrity. In TAC/ATC 2004 - 2004 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Transportation Innovation - Accelerating the Pace. Retrieved from
Tighe, S. , Haas, R. , & Ponniah, J. . (2003). Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Mitigating Reflective Cracking. Transportation Research Record, 73-79. Retrieved from
Raymond, C. M. , Tighe, S. L. , Haas, R. , & Rothenburg, L. . (2003). Analysis of influences on as-built pavement roughness in asphalt overlays. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 4, 181-192. doi:10.1080/10298430310001653077
Raymond, C. , Tighe, S. , Haas, R. , & Rothenburg, L. . (2003). Development of Canadian asphalt pavement deterioration models to benchmark performance. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30, 637-643. doi:10.1139/l03-023
Tighe, S. , Jeffray, A. , Kennepohl, G. , Haas, R. , & Matheson, M. . (2003). Field experiments in Cpatt's long term program of pavement research. In TAC/ATC 2003 - 2003 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: The Transportation Factor. Retrieved from
Haas, R. , Tighe, S. , & Falls, L. C. . (2003). Generic protocol for long life pavements cost analysis. In TAC/ATC 2003 - 2003 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: The Transportation Factor. Retrieved from
Haas, R. , Falls, L. C. , & Tighe, S. . (2003). Performance indicators for properly functioning asset management systems. In Proceedings - Conference of the Australian Road Research Board (Vol. 21, pp. 2625-2643). Retrieved from
Chan, S. , & Tighe, S. L. . (2002). Development of a methodology for assessing the technical and economic benefits of asphalt pavement laboratory equipment. In Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (Vol. 2002, pp. 2355-2364). Retrieved from
Tighe, S. . (2002). Evaluation of subgrade and climatic zone influences on pavement performance in the Canadian Strategic Highway Program's (C-SHRP) Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) study. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 39, 377-387. doi:10.1139/t01-111
Tighe, S. , & CoweFalls, L. . (2002). The role of safety in asset valuation. In Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (Vol. 2002, pp. 2883-2892). Retrieved from
Tighe, S. , Knight, M. , Papoutsis, D. , Rodriguez, V. , & Walker, C. . (2002). User cost savings in eliminating pavement excavations through employing trenchless technologies. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29, 751-761. doi:10.1139/l02-071
