
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Henderson, V., & Tighe, S. L.. (2010). Pervious concrete pavement performance in field applications and laboratory testing. In TAC/ATC 2010 - 2010 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Adjusting to New Realities. Retrieved from
Halim, A. A. El, & Tighe, S.. (2010). Preventative maintenance treatments: Do they impact skid resistance on LTPP sections?. In TAC/ATC 2010 - 2010 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Adjusting to New Realities. Retrieved from
Chan, P., & Tighe, S. L.. (2010). Quantifying pavement sustainability in project and network level perspectives. In TAC/ATC 2010 - 2010 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Adjusting to New Realities. Retrieved from
Tighe, S.. (2010). Transportation association of canada development of a national pavement asset design and management guide (PADMG). International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 3, 1-2. Retrieved from
Chamorro, A., Tighe, S. L., Li, N., & Kazmierowski, T.. (2010). Validation and implementation of Ontario, Canada, network-level distress guidelines and condition rating. Transportation Research Record, 49-57. doi:10.3141/2153-06
Chamorro, A., Tighe, S. L., Li, N., & Kazmierowski, T. J.. (2009). Development of distress guidelines and condition rating to improve network management in Ontario, Canada. Transportation Research Record, 128-135. doi:10.3141/2093-15
Ahammed, M., & Tighe, S. L.. (2009). Early-life, long-term, and seasonal variations in skid resistance in flexible and rigid pavements. Transportation Research Record, 112-120. doi:10.3141/2094-12
Henderson, V., Tighe, S. L., & Norris, J.. (2009). Pervious concrete pavement: Integrated laboratory and field study. Transportation Research Record, 13-21. doi:10.3141/2113-02
Henderson, V., Tighe, S., & Norris, J.. (2009). Behaviour and performance of pervious concrete pavement in Canada. In TAC/ATC 2009 - 2009 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Transportation in a Climate of Change. Retrieved from
Mills, B. N., Tighe, S. L., Andrey, J., Smith, J. T., & Huen, K.. (2009). Climate change implications for flexible pavement design and performance in Southern Canada. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 135, 773-782. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-947X(2009)135:10(773)
Halim, A. A. El, & Tighe, S.. (2009). Development of a framework for determining minimum testing interval requirements for Network Level Skid Testing. In TAC/ATC 2009 - 2009 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Transportation in a Climate of Change. Retrieved from
Chamorro, A., & Tighe, S. L.. (2009). Development of a management framework for rural roads in developing countries: Integrating socioeconomic impacts. Transportation Research Record, 99-107. doi:10.3141/2093-12
Hicks, C., McCabe, B., & Tighe, S.. (2009). Evaluation of work zone capacity models. In Building a Sustainable Future - Proceedings of the 2009 Construction Research Congress (pp. 101-110). doi:10.1061/41020(339)11
Golroo, A., & Tighe, S. L.. (2009). Fuzzy set approach to condition assessments of novel sustainable pavements in the Canadian climate. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 36, 754-764. doi:10.1139/L09-025
Rizvi, R., Tighe, S. L., Henderson, V., & Norris, J.. (2009). Incorporating recycled concrete aggregate in pervious concrete pavements. In TAC/ATC 2009 - 2009 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Transportation in a Climate of Change. Retrieved from
Smith, J. T., & Tighe, S. L.. (2009). Moving towards an environmentally sustainable concrete pavement using recycled concrete aggregate [Hacia un pavimento de hormigón medioambientalmente sostenible utilizando áridos reciclados]. Carreteras, 4, 42-54. Retrieved from
Smith, J. T., & Tighe, S. L.. (2009). Recycled concrete aggregate coefficient of thermal expansion: Characterization, variability, and impacts on pavement performance. Transportation Research Record, 53-61. doi:10.3141/2113-07
Golroo, A., & Tighe, S.. (2009). Use of soft computing applications to model pervious concrete pavement condition in cold climates. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 135, 791-800. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000052
Ahammed, M. A., & Tighe, S. L.. (2008). Concrete pavement surface textures and multivariables frictional performance analysis: A North American case study. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 35, 727-738. doi:10.1139/L08-025
Baiz, S., Tighe, S. L., Haas, C. T., Mills, B., & Perchanok, M.. (2008). Development of frost and thaw depth predictors for decision making about variable load restrictions. Transportation Research Record, 1-8. doi:10.3141/2053-01
