Publications & Preprints
Automatic Mesh Partitioning. In Graph Theory and Sparse Matrix Computation. Springer Verlag.
. (1993). Active set methods for problems in column block angular form. Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, 12, 199–226.
. (1993). . (1993). . (1993). Complexity issues in global optimization: A survey. In Handbook for Global Optimization. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
. (1993). Polynomial time weak approximation algorithms for quadratic programming. In Complexity in Numerical Optimization (pp. 490–500). World Scientific.
. (1993). An accelerated interior point method whose running time depends only on $A$ (extended abstract). In Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on the Theory of Computing (pp. 512–521). ACM Press.
. (1994). Fast Wavelet Transforms for Matrices Arising from Boundary Element Methods. Cornell Theory Center, Cornell University.
. (1994). . (1994). . (1995).
An aspect ratio bound for triangulating a $d$-grid cut by a hyperplane (extended abstract). In Proc. 12th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (pp. 48-57).
. (1996). . (1996). On the relationship between layered least squares and affine scaling steps. In Lectures in Applied Mathematics, volume 32. American Mathematical Society.
. (1996). . (1996). . (1996). A primal-dual interior point method whose running time depends only on the constraint matrix. Mathematical Programming, 74, 79–120.
. (1996). . (1997). . (1997).
. (1998).
Preconditioning complex-symmetric layered systems arising in electrical power modeling. In Proceedings of the Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods.
. (1998).