Publications & Preprints

[ Author(Desc)] Title Type Year
Lieberherr, K. J. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1982). Analysis of polynomial approximation algorithms for constraint expressions. In Theoretical Computer Science: 6th GI conference, Dortmund (Vol. 145). Springer Verlag.
Majmudar, J. , & Vavasis, S. . (2020). Provable overlapping community detection in weighted graphs. In Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (Vol. 2020). Retrieved from
Miller, G. L. , Teng, S. - H. , Thurston, W. , & Vavasis, S. . (1998). Geometric Separators for Finite-Element Meshes. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 19, 364-386.
Miller, G. L. , Teng, S. - H. , Thurston, W. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1997). Separators for sphere-packings and nearest neighbor graphs. J. ACM, 44, 1-29.
Miller, G. , Teng, S. - H. , Thurston, W. , & Vavasis, S. . (1993). Automatic Mesh Partitioning. In Graph Theory and Sparse Matrix Computation. Springer Verlag.
Miller, G. L. , Teng, S. - H. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1991). A unified geometric approach to graph separators. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (pp. 538–547).
Miller, G. L. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1991). Density graphs and separators. In Proc. SIAM-ACM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms.
Mitchell, S. A. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (2000). Quality Mesh Generation in Higher Dimensions. SIAM J. Computing, 29, 1334-1370.
Mitchell, S. A. , & Vavasis, S. . (1996). An aspect ratio bound for triangulating a $d$-grid cut by a hyperplane (extended abstract). In Proc. 12th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (pp. 48-57).
Mitchell, S. A. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1992). Quality mesh generation in three dimensions. In Proceedings of the ACM Computational Geometry Conference (pp. 212–221).
Moré, J. J. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1991). On the solution of concave knapsack problems. matpro, 49, 397–411.
Moursi, W. , Pavlovic, V. , & Vavasis, S. . (2023). Accelerated gradient descent: A guaranteed bound for a heuristic restart strategy. Retrieved from
Papoulia, K. , Vavasis, S. , & Ganguly, P. . (2006). Spatial convergence of crack nucleation using a cohesive finite element model on a pinwheel-based mesh. Internat. J. Numer. Meth. Eng., 67, 1-16.
Papoulia, K. , Vavasis, S. , & Sam, C. - H. . (2003). Time continuity in cohesive finite element modeling. International J. Numer. Meth. Eng., 58, 679-701.
Paquette, C. , & Vavasis, S. . (2019). Potential-based analyses of first-order methods for constrained and composite optimization.
Pardalos, P. M. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1991). Quadratic programming with one negative eigenvalue is NP-hard. Journal of Global Optimization, 1, 15–22.
Sam, C. - H. , Papoulia, K. , & Vavasis, S. . (2005). Obtaining initially rigid cohesive finite element models that are temporally convergent. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 72, 2247-2267.
Sastry, S. , Shontz, S. , & Vavasis, S. . (2012). A log-barrier method for mesh quality improvement. In Proceedings of 20th International Meshing Roundtable (pp. 329-346). Springer.
Shontz, S. , & Vavasis, S. . (2011). A robust solution procedure for hyperelastic solids with large boundary deformation. \em Engineering with Computers, 28, 135-147.
Shontz, S. , & Vavasis, S. . (2010). Analysis of and workarounds for element reversal for a finite element-based algorithm for warping triangular and tetrahedral meshes. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 50, 863-884.
