
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Tanvir, S., Oudet, F., Pulvin, S., & Anderson, W. A.. (2012). Coenzyme based synthesis of silver nanocrystals. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 51, 231–236. Elsevier.
Alani, F., Moo-Young, M., & Anderson, W.. (2012). Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by a new strain of Streptomyces sp. compared with Aspergillus fumigatus. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 28, 1081–1086. Springer Netherlands.
Ghazali, M., McBean, E., Shen, H., Anderson, W., & Dastous, P. - A.. (2010). Remediation of DDT-contaminated soil using optimized mixtures of surfactants and a mixing system. Remediation Journal, 20, 119–132. Wiley Online Library.
Zhang, L., & Anderson, W. A.. (2010). A finite model for the prediction of the UV radiation field around a linear lamp. Chemical Engineering Science, 65, 1513–1521. Elsevier.
Borwankar, D., Fowler, M., & Anderson, W. A.. (2010). Incorporating energy generation into volatile organic compound (VOC) emission treatment using a solid oxide fuel cell: A model-based approach. Energy & Fuels, 24, 4693–4702. American Chemical Society.
Grove, J. A., Zhang, H., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2009). Estimation of carbon recovery and biomass yield in the biofiltration of octane. Environmental Engineering Science, 26, 1497–1502. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 140 Huguenot Street, 3rd Floor New Rochelle, NY 10801 USA.
Alani, F., Grove, J. A., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2009). Mycophenolic acid production in solid-state fermentation using a packed-bed bioreactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 44, 106–110. Elsevier.
Bai, F. W., Ge, X. M., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2009). Parameter oscillation attenuation and mechanism exploration for continuous VHG ethanol fermentation. Biotechnology and bioengineering, 102, 113–121. Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company.
Otunola, A., El-Hag, A., Jayaram, S., & Anderson, W. A.. (2008). Effectiveness of pulsed electric fields in controlling microbial growth in milk. International Journal of Food Engineering, 4.
Ayman, E. L. - H., Otunola, A., Jayaram, S. H., & Anderson, W. A.. (2008). Reduction of microbial growth in milk by pulsed electric fields. In Dielectric Liquids, 2008. ICDL 2008. IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1–4). IEEE.
Khor, C. Seong, Elkamel, A., & Anderson, W. A.. (2008). Incorporating the systems approach in future undergraduate chemical engineering education curriculum: illustration via computer-aided process simulation laboratory exercises. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 5, 402–413. Inderscience Publishers.
Alani, F., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2008). New isolate of Streptomyces sp. with novel thermoalkalotolerant cellulases. Biotechnology Letters, 30, 123–126. Springer Netherlands.
Bai, F. W., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2008). Ethanol fermentation technologies from sugar and starch feedstocks. Biotechnology Advances, 26, 89–105. Elsevier.
Park, S., Kim, H. - J., Kim, J. Soo, Yoo, K., Lee, J. Chun, Anderson, W. A., & Lee, J. - H.. (2007). Photocatalytic Reduction of Nitrate in Wastewater Using ZnO Nanopowder Synthesized by Solution Combustion Method. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 7, 4069–4072. American Scientific Publishers.
Alani, F., Moo-Young, M., Anderson, W., & Bataine, Z.. (2007). Optimization of citric acid production from a new strain and mutant of Aspergillus niger using solid state fermentation. Food Biotechnology, 21, 169–180. Taylor & Francis Group.
Grove, J. A., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2007). Changes in the potential functional diversity of the bacterial community in biofilters. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 77, 741–747. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Fatehifar, E., Elkamel, A., Taheri, M., Anderson, W. A., & Abdul-Wahab, S. A.. (2007). Modeling and simulation of multipollutant dispersion from a network of refinery stacks using a multiple cell approach. Environmental Engineering Science, 24, 795–811. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Zhang, L., Sawell, S., Moralejo, C., & Anderson, W. A.. (2007). Heterogeneous photocatalytic decomposition of gas-phase chlorobenzene. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 71, 135–142. Elsevier.
Zhang, L., Anderson, W. A., Sawell, S., & Moralejo, C.. (2007). Mechanistic analysis on the influence of humidity on photocatalytic decomposition of gas-phase chlorobenzene. Chemosphere, 68, 546–553. Elsevier.
Weber, K. P., Grove, J. A., Gehder, M., Anderson, W. A., & Legge, R. L.. (2007). Data transformations in the analysis of community-level substrate utilization data from microplates. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 69, 461–469. Elsevier.
