
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Adedayo, O., Anderson, W. A., Moo-Young, M., & Kolawole, D. O.. (1999). Antifungal properties of some components of Senna alata flower. Pharmaceutical biology, 37, 369–374. Taylor & Francis.
Andrews, S. A., Peldszus, S., Moralejo, C., Anderson, W. A., & Huck, P. M.. (1998). Stable intermediates in the photooxidative treatment of synthetic groundwaters containing benzene. In International Gothenburg Symposium on Chemical Treatment, Prague (Czech Republic), 7-9 Sep 1998 (pp. 37–46). Springer.
Yahya, A. R. M., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (1998). Ester synthesis in lipase-catalyzed reactions. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 23, 438–450. Elsevier.
Bolduc, L., & Anderson, W. A.. (1997). Enhancement of the biodegradability of wastewater containing recalcitrant or inhibitory chemical compounds by photocatalytic pre-oxidation. In Global Environmental Biotechnology (pp. 451–461). Springer Netherlands.
Moo-Young, M., Anderson, W. A., Scharer, J. M., Van Kemenade, I., & Mehrvar, M.. (1997). Physicochemical pretreatment in bioremediation enhancement. Studies in Environmental Science, 66, 405–410. Elsevier.
Bolduc, L., & Anderson, W. A.. (1997). Enhancement of the biodegradability of model wastewater containing recalcitrant or inhibitory chemical compounds by photocatalytic pre-oxidation. Biodegradation, 8, 237–249. Springer Netherlands.
Koehler, T. L., Hudgins, R. R., & Anderson, W. A.. (1996). Using photocatalytic degradation as a demonstration of an advanced oxidation process. Canadian Chemical News, 48, 15–16. Ottawa: Chemcan Publishers, 1984-.
Moo-Young, M., Anderson, W. A., Chakrabarty, A. M., & editors,. (1996). Environmental biotechnology: principles and applications. Springer.
Van Kemenade, I., Anderson, W. A., Scharer, J. M., & Moo-Young, M.. (1996). Chemical pre-oxidation for enhancing bioremediation of contaminated soils. Process safety and environmental protection, 74, 125–131. Institution of Chemical Engineers.
Shah, S. K., Mcbean, E. A., & Anderson, W. A.. (1996). Preliminary studies into the disinfection of potable water using solar radiation. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 23, 373–380. NRC Research Press Ottawa, Canada.
De Castro, H. F., Pereira, E. B., & Anderson, W. A.. (1996). Production of terpene ester by lipase in non-conventional media. JOURNAL-BRAZILIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 7, 219–224. SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE QUIMICA.
Irobi, O. N., Moo-Young, M., & Anderson, W. A.. (1996). Antimicrobial activity of Annatto (Bixa orellana) extract. International journal of Pharmacognosy, 34, 87–90. Taylor & Francis.
Irobi, O. N., Moo-Young, M., & Anderson, W. A.. (1996). In vitro clonal propagation of annatto (Bixa orellana L.). International Journal of Pharmacognosy, 34, 87–90.
Anderson, W. A., Lang, C. L., & Pereira, G.. (1995). " windsor Utilities Commission, 787 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ontario N9A 5T7.
Decastro, H. F., & Anderson, W. A.. (1995). Fine chemicals by biotransformation using lipases. Química Nova, 18, 544–554. SOC BRASILEIRA QUIMICA CAIXA POSTAL 26037, 05599-970 SAO PAULO, BRAZIL.
Mcbean, E. A., & Anderson, W. A.. (1995). A Two-Stage Process for the Remediation of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds. In Environmental Biotechnology (pp. 269–277). Springer Netherlands.
Van Kemenade, I., Anderson, W. A., Scharer, J. M., & Moo-Young, M.. (1995). Bioremediation enhancement of phenanthrene contaminated soils by chemical pre-oxidation. Hazardous waste and hazardous materials, 12, 345–355.
Andrews, S. A., Huck, P. M., Chute, A. J.,,, & Anderson, W. A.. (1995). UV oxidation for drinking water–feasibility studies for addressing specific water quality issues. In Proceedings of the AWWA WQTC, New Orleans, LA (pp. 1881–1898).
Oguntimein, G. B., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (1995). Synthesis of geraniol esters in a solvent-free system catalysed by Candida antarctica lipase. Biotechnology letters, 17, 77–82. Springer Netherlands.
Ganeshalingam, S., Legge, R. L., & Anderson, W. A.. (1994). Surfactant-enhanced leaching of polyaromatic hydrocarbons from soil. Process safety and environmental protection, 72, 247–251. Institution of Chemical Engineers.
