
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Espino-Cortes, F., El-Hag, A. H., Adedayo, O., Jayaram, S., & Anderson, W.. (2006). Water processing by high intensity pulsed electric fields. In Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, 2006 IEEE Conference on (pp. 684–687). IEEE.
Zhang, L., Anderson, W. A., & Zhang, Z. Jason. (2006). Development and modeling of a rotating disc photocatalytic reactor for wastewater treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 121, 125–134. Elsevier.
Moo-Young, M., & Anderson, W. A.. (2005). Bioreactor design strategies for bioremediation applications. In JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY (Vol. 118, pp. S167–S167). ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS.
Benchapattarapong, N., Anderson, W. A., Bai, F., & Moo-Young, M.. (2005). Rheology and hydrodynamic properties of Tolypocladium inflatum fermentation broth and its simulation. Bioprocess and biosystems engineering, 27, 239–247. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Xu, Y., Hsieh, M. - Y., Narayanan, N., Anderson, W. A., Scharer, J. M., Moo-Young, M., & C Chou, P.. (2005). Cytoplasmic Overexpression, Folding, and Processing of Penicillin Acylase Precursor in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology progress, 21, 1357–1365. American Chemical Society.
Shang, H., Zhang, Z., & Anderson, W. A.. (2005). Nonuniform radiation modeling of a corrugated plate photocatalytic reactor. AIChE journal, 51, 2024–2033. Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company.
Chen, L. - J., Xu, Y. - L., Bai, F. - W., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2005). Observed quasi-steady kinetics of yeast cell growth and ethanol formation under very high gravity fermentation condition. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 10, 115–121. The Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering.
Xu, Y., Weng, C. - L., Narayanan, N., Hsieh, M. - Y., Anderson, W. A., Scharer, J. M., Moo-Young, M., et al. (2005). Chaperone-mediated folding and maturation of the penicillin acylase precursor in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli. Applied and environmental microbiology, 71, 6247–6253. Am Soc Microbiol.
Shao, P., Huang, R. Y. M., Feng, X., Anderson, W., Pal, R., & Burns, C. M.. (2005). Composite membranes with an integrated skin layer: preparation, structural characteristics and pervaporation performance. Journal of membrane science, 254, 1–11. Elsevier.
Chen, L. - J., Bai, F. - W., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2004). Observed quasi-steady kinetics of yeast cell growth and ethanol formation under very high gravity medium condition. Chinese Journal of Bioprocess Engineering, 2, 25–29.
Zhang, Z., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2004). Radiation modeling of air phase corrugated plate photocatalytic reactor. DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS SERIES B, 11, 59–68. WATAM PRESS.
Aye, T., Mehrvar, M., & Anderson, W. A.. (2004). Effects of photocatalysis on the biodegradability of Cibacron Brilliant Yellow 3G-P (Reactive Yellow 2). Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 39, 113–126. Taylor & Francis Group.
Shao, P., Huang, R. Y. M., Feng, X., & Anderson, W.. (2004). Gas-liquid displacement method for estimating membrane pore-size distributions. AIChE journal, 50, 557–565. Wiley Online Library.
Zhang, Z., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2004). Experimental analysis of a corrugated plate photocatalytic reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 99, 145–152. Elsevier.
Adedayo, O., Javadpour, S., Taylor, C., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2004). Decolourization and detoxification of methyl red by aerobic bacteria from a wastewater treatment plant. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 20, 545–550. Springer Netherlands.
Kibazohi, O., Yun, S. - I., & Anderson, W. A.. (2004). Removal of hexane in biofilters packed with perlite and a peat–perlite mixture. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 20, 337–343. Springer Netherlands.
Grove, J. A., Kautola, H., Javadpour, S., Moo-Young, M., & Anderson, W. A.. (2004). Assessment of changes in the microorganism community in a biofilter. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 18, 111–114. Elsevier.
Bai, F. W., Chen, L. J., Zhang, Z., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2004). Continuous ethanol production and evaluation of yeast cell lysis and viability loss under very high gravity medium conditions. Journal of Biotechnology, 110, 287–293. Elsevier.
Bai, F. W., Chen, L. J., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2004). Parameter oscillations in a very high gravity medium continuous ethanol fermentation and their attenuation on a multistage packed column bioreactor system. Biotechnology and bioengineering, 88, 558–566. Wiley Online Library.
Anderson, W. A., Zhang, L., Andrews, S. A., &,. (2003). A technique for direct measurement of UV fluence distribution. In Proceedings of the Water Quality Technology Conference.
