
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Bustami, Y., Moo-Young, M., & Anderson, W. A.. (2017). Manipulation of Fe/Au Peroxidase-Like Activity for Development of a Nanocatalytic-Based Assay. Journal of Engineering Science, 13, 29–52.
Bustami, Y., Moo-Young, M., & Anderson, W. A.. (2017). Analysis of the heterogeneous structure of iron oxide/gold nanoparticles and their application in a nanosensor. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 245, 753–764. Elsevier.
Tanvir, F., Yaqub, A., Tanvir, S., & Anderson, W. A.. (2017). Colorimetric enumeration of bacterial contamination in water based on β-galactosidase gold nanoshell activity. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 99, 49–56. Elsevier.
Obaid, J., Ramadan, A., Elkamel, A., & Anderson, W.. (2017). Comparing Non-Steady State Emissions under Start-Up and Shut-Down Operating Conditions with Steady State Emissions for Several Industrial Sectors: A Literature Review. Energies, 10, 179. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
Wu, D., Tan, Z., Feng, X., Anderson, W. A., & Li, Q.. (2017). Regeneration of cobalt complexes by thermal decomposition and acid treatment for NO absorption. Chemical Engineering Journal, 315, 233–242. Elsevier.
Zhou, Q., Wen, J. Z., Zhao, P., & Anderson, W. A.. (2017). Synthesis of Vertically-Aligned Zinc Oxide Nanowires and Their Application as a Photocatalyst. Nanomaterials, 7, 9. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
Mehrata, M., Moralejo, C., & Anderson, W. A.. (2016). Adsorbent comparisons for anesthetic gas capture in hospital air emissions. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 51, 805–809. Taylor & Francis.
Hunt, B., & Anderson, W. A.. (2016). Reduction of Hospital Environmental Contamination Using Automatic UV Room Disinfection.
Elsholkami, M., Warren, M., Huang, C., Peters, S., Tu, Z., Elkamel, A., & Anderson, W.. (2016). Techno-economic analysis of a peatland gasification process for methanol synthesis and power production. In International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.
Mei, Y., Wen, D., Anderson, W. A., & Wang, J.. (2016). Degradation and Toxicity Assay During Electrocatalysis of Chlorobenzene in Aqueous Solution. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE, 11, 535–544. ESG BORIVOJA STEVANOVICA 25-7, BELGRADE, 11000, SERBIA.
Yu, H., Tan, Z., Feng, X., Croiset, E., Thé, J., & Anderson, W. A.. (2016). Kinetics of the absorption of carbon dioxide into aqueous ammonia solutions. AIChE Journal, 62, 3673–3684.
Bautista, R., Anderson, W., Pagsuyoin, S., & Munoz, J.. (2015). Degradation of tetracycline in synthesized wastewater using immobilized TiO 2 on rotating corrugated aluminum drum. In Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS), 2015 (pp. 115–119). IEEE.
Shi, Z., Tang, J., Chen, L., Yan, C., Tanvir, S., Anderson, W. A., Berry, R. M., et al. (2015). Enhanced colloidal stability and antibacterial performance of silver nanoparticles/cellulose nanocrystal hybrids. J. Mater. Chem. B, 3, 603–611. The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Tang, J., Song, Y., Tanvir, S., Anderson, W. A., Berry, R. M., & Tam, K. Chiu. (2015). Polyrhodanine coated cellulose nanocrystals: a sustainable antimicrobial agent. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 3, 1801–1809. American Chemical Society.
Tanvir, S., Pulvin, S., & Anderson, W. A.. (2015). Toxicity Associated with the Photo Catalytic and Photo Stable Forms of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Used in Sunscreen. MOJ Toxicology, 1, 1–18. MedCrave.
Lamba, R., Umar, A., Mehta, S. Kumar, Anderson, W. A., & Kansal, S. Kumar. (2015). Visible-light-driven photocatalytic properties of self assembled cauliflower-like AgCl/ZnO hierarchical nanostructures. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 408, 189–201. Elsevier.
Zhang, L., & Anderson, W. A.. (2013). The effect of ozone and sulfur dioxide on the photolytic degradation of chlorobenzene in air. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52, 3315–3319. American Chemical Society.
Zhang, L., & Anderson, W. A.. (2013). Kinetic analysis of the photochemical decomposition of gas-phase chlorobenzene in a UV reactor: quantum yield and photonic efficiency. Chemical Engineering Journal, 218, 247–252. Elsevier.
Rios, L. E., David, M., Vazquez-Arenas, J., & Anderson, W. A.. (2013). Use of surfactants and blends to remove DDT from contaminated soils. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 91, 238–244. Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company.
Borwankar, D. S., Anderson, W. A., & Fowler, M.. (2012). A Technology Assessment Tool for Evaluation of VOC Abatement Technologies from Solvent Based Industrial Coating Operations. In Air Quality - New Perspective. InTech.
