
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Zhang, Z. Jason, Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2003). An engineering model for the scale-up and design of photocatalytic reactors. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 1.
Dhadwar, S. S., Bemman, T., Anderson, W. A., & Chen, P.. (2003). Yeast cell adhesion on oligopeptide modified surfaces. Biotechnology advances, 21, 395–406. Elsevier.
Aye, T., Anderson, W. A., & Mehrvar, M.. (2003). Photocatalytic treatment of cibacron brilliant yellow 3G-P (reactive yellow 2 textile dye). Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 38, 1903–1914. Taylor & Francis Group.
Zhang, Z., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2003). Modeling of corrugated plate photocatalytic reactors and experimental validation. Chemical engineering science, 58, 911–914. Pergamon.
Yahya, A. R. M., Yun, S. I., Anderson, W. A., Scharer, J. M., & Moo-Young, M.. (2002). Production of recombinant interleukin-3 in Streptomyces lividans fermentations. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 224, pp. U214–U214). AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA.
Adedayo, O., Anderson, W. A., Moo-Young, M., Snieckus, V., Patil, P. A., & Kolawole, D. O.. (2002). Kinetics of antibacterial activity and physicochemical damage caused by the extracts of Senna alata flowers. Pharmaceutical biology, 40, 461–465. Taylor & Francis.
Mehrvar, M., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2002). Comparison of the photoactivities of two commercial titanium dioxide powders in the degradation of 1,4-dioxane. International Journal of Photoenergy, 4, 141–146. Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
Zhang, Z., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2002). Photocatalytic pretreatment of contaminated groundwater for biological nitrification enhancement. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 77, 190–194. Wiley Online Library.
Mehrvar, M., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2002). Preliminary analysis of a tellerette packed-bed photocatalytic reactor. Advances in Environmental Research, 6, 411–418. Elsevier.
Huang, R. Y. M., Shao, P., Feng, X., & Anderson, W. A.. (2002). Separation of Ethylene Glycol- Water Mixtures Using Sulfonated Poly (ether ether ketone) Pervaporation Membranes: Membrane Relaxation and Separation Performance Analysis. Industrial & engineering chemistry research, 41, 2957–2965. American Chemical Society.
KIBAZOHI, O., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2001). Estimation of Nitrogen Requirement in Peat and Perlite Biofilters Removing Hexane from Air. In Environmental Monitoring and Biodiagnostics of Hazardous Contaminants (p. 117). Springer.
Yun, S. - I., Yahya, A. R. M., Malten, M., Cossar, D., Anderson, W. A., Scharer, J. M., & Moo-Young, M.. (2001). Peptidases affecting recombinant protein production by Streptomyces lividans. Canadian journal of microbiology, 47, 1137–1140. NRC Research Press Ottawa, Canada.
Yun, S. - I., Yahya, A. R. M., Cossar, D., Anderson, W. A., Scharer, J. M., & Moo-Young, M.. (2001). Temperature downshift increases recombinant cytokine titer in Streptomyces lividans fermentation. Biotechnology letters, 23, 1903–1905. Springer Netherlands.
Adedayo, O., Anderson, W. A., Moo-Young, M., Snieckus, V., Patil, P. A., & Kolawole, D. O.. (2001). Phytochemistry and antibacterial activity of Senna alata flower. Pharmaceutical biology, 39, 408–412. Taylor & Francis.
Mehrvar, M., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2001). Photocatalytic degradation of aqueous organic solvents in the presence of hydroxyl radical scavengers. International Journal of photoenergy, 3, 187–191. Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
Irobi, O. N., Gbodi, T. A., Moo-Young, M., & Anderson, W. A.. (2000). Antibiotic activity of Aspergillus quadrilineatus extracts isolated from a Nigerian cereal. Pharmaceutical Biology, 38, 57–60. Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
Mehrvar, M., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2000). Photocatalytic degradation of aqueous tetrahydrofuran, 1,4-dioxane, and their mixture with TiO2. International Journal of Photoenergy, 2, 67–80. Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
Mehrvar, M., Anderson, W. A., Moo-Young, M., & Reilly, P. M.. (2000). Non-linear parameter estimation for a dynamic model in photocatalytic reaction engineering. Chemical Engineering Science, 55, 4885–4891. Pergamon.
Zhang, Z., Anderson, W. A., & Moo-Young, M.. (2000). Rigorous modeling of UV absorption by TiO2 films in a photocatalytic reactor. AIChE journal, 46, 1461–1470. Wiley Online Library.
Chanachai, A., Jiraratananon, R., Uttapap, D., Moon, G. Y., Anderson, W. A., & Huang, R. Y. M.. (2000). Pervaporation with chitosan/hydroxyethylcellulose (CS/HEC) blended membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 166, 271–280. Elsevier.
