Team Waterloop unveils Hyperloop pod prototype
Waterloop, a student design team at the University of the Waterloo, unveiled to the public the new prototype they designed and built for the upcoming SpaceX Hyperloop competition.
Waterloop, a student design team at the University of the Waterloo, unveiled to the public the new prototype they designed and built for the upcoming SpaceX Hyperloop competition.
By Nancy Harper
The University of Waterloo Autonomous Sailboat Team (UWAST) may be new to robotic sailing, but like every hardworking engineering team with one eye on the horizon, its goal is to win, not just compete.
That mindset served UWAST well in June at the 2017 International Robotic Sailing Regatta in Annapolis, Maryland.
The Waterloo Rocketry Team is composed solely of undergraduate students passionate about rocket engineering.
The most competitive Critical Design Review in University Rover Challenge (URC) history has concluded with 36 teams from 7 countries being selected to compete June 1-3 at the Mars Desert Research Station.
The Sedra Student Design Centre is proud of our UW Formula Motorsports Team.
Here's what they had to say about this years Formula SAE Competition in Michigan:
University of Waterloo Alternative Fuels Team (UWAFT) ribbon cutting ceremony officially marked a major milestone for heir car being drive-able. UWAFT invited the Mayor of Waterloo, Dave Jaworsky, as someone who helps to influence environmental issues and other policies in the government towards sustainable transportation.
A team of Waterloo Engineering students posted a fourth-place finish – its best in three tries – at a recent contest involving the assembly of a bridge over an imaginary river in a race against the clock.
Thirteen teams from Ontario, Quebec and Upstate New York were represented at the regional American Society of Civil Engineers Student Steel Bridge Competition, which was held in a domed football stadium at Syracuse University.