Kate is the principal and sole investigator on this grant which is entitled: Tackling a Silent Epidemic: Traumatic Brain Injury and Regulatory Science. It is a three-year research grant from the Australian Research Council in the amount of 357,000 AUD.
Executive Summary: Brain injury has significant health, economic, and societal costs. Despite breakthroughs in brain science, measures aimed at preventing and treating brain injury vary and have disparate outcomes, even among at risk populations. The project aims to unveil how governance, science, and social conditions contribute to the design and implementation of traumatic brain injury interventions. This research will study the treatment of traumatic brain injury in relation to sport participants, military personnel, and family violence survivors, accounting for how inequality affects how they experience regulation. Findings are expected to provide empirical insight into the challenges of establishing effective programs and how to overcome them, which can improve regulatory responses in and beyond Australia.