Legal Studies

student studying in arts quad

Legal Studies Mission Statement 

The mission of our Legal Studies programming is to demystify the force of law by examining what law is and how it operates in relation to political, social, economic, and cultural structures.We offer a unique interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary program that combines expertise in legal theory and jurisprudence with leading scholarship from the fields of sociology, criminology, socio-legal studies, political science, philosophy, and other disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. Our programming considers the way that law and legal institutions structure, and are structured by, systems of exclusion and marginalization related to race, class, gender, and Indigeneity, amongst other lines of inequality. Legal Studies fosters critical thinking, a drive for research and enquiry, and a commitment to civic engagement and social change.

Academic Plans


We offer a wide variety of undergraduate Legal Studies courses, with topics on:

  • Minority groups
  • Criminal justice system
  • Policing
  • Organized crime
  • Trafficking and financial crime
  • Criminology
  • Government and politics
  • Conflict resolution
  • Human rights
  • Interdisciplinary studies (history, psychology, business, philosophy, etc.

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Developed skills

Legal Studies majors develop many in-demand skills such as:

  • problem-solving skills
  • research skills
  • critical-thinking skills
  • both written and oral communication skills
  • global awareness


Over the years, our Legal Studies graduates have been successful in pursuing careers in the following areas, just to name a few:

  • government department
  • legal professions
  • corrections
  • universities and community colleges
  • policing
  • non-profit organizations
  • high-tech companies

You can also visit our Alumni profiles page to read more about what a major in Legal Studies can do for you!