Pay schedule survey results

Thursday, October 8, 2020

At the June 2020 Area Reps meeting with Vice-President Academic & Provost James Rush, a lengthy discussion took place about the regularity of pay for staff at UW. Although changing the pay schedule seemed cumbersome in the past, the introduction of WorkDay made a change more feasible. On August 12, 2020 the Communications and Membership committee sent UWSA members a survey, seeking input on preferred pay schedules.  The results are in and will now be sent to the next meeting of Provost Advisory Committee on Staff Compensation

bar graph

Survey responses:

  1. What type of employee are you?

746 staff, 1 faculty, 1 researcher, 2 retirees, and 1 spouse of staff.

  1. How often are you currently paid?

746 one time each month, 2 bi-weekly.

  1. How often would you like to be paid?

Monthly 280, bi-weekly 353, semi-monthly (two times each month) 115