Pafla, M. ., Larson, K. ., & Hancock, M. . (2024). Unraveling the Dilemma of AI Errors: Exploring the Effectiveness of Human and Machine Explanations for Large Language Models. ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024). Presented at the. (Original work published 2024)
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MacArthur, C. ., Morayko, K. ., Luz, A. ., & Hancock, M. S. (2024). Not All Those Who (Mind-)Wander Are Lost: Exploring Game-Unrelated Thoughts. Designing Interactive Systems (DIS ’24). Presented at the. Copenhagen, Denmark: ACM Press. (Original work published 2024)
Tu, J. ., Grinberg, A. ., Hancock, M. ., & Nacke, L. . (2023). Multimedia Showdown: A Comparative Analysis of Audio, Video and Avatar-Based Communication. Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY) Companion ’23 (Work-in-Progress). Presented at the. Stratford, ON, Canada: ACM. (Original work published 2023)
Ruvimova, A. ., Fronchetti, F. ., Kahn, B. ., Susin, L. ., Hurley, Z. ., Fritz, T. ., Hancock, M. ., & Shepherd, D. C. (2023). Ready Worker One? High-Res VR for the Home Office. Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) ’23. Presented at the. Christchurch, New Zealand: ACM. (Original work published 2023)
Moran-Ledesma, M. ., Schneider, O. ., & Hancock, M. . (2021). User-Defined Gestures with Physical Props in Virtual Reality. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5, 1-23. (Original work published 2021)
MacArthur, C. ., Grinberg, A. ., Harley, D. ., & Hancock, M. . (2021). You're Making Me Sick: A Systematic Review of How Virtual Reality Research Considers Gender \& Cybersickness. Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Presented at the. Yokohama, Japan: Association for Computing Machinery. (Original work published 2021)
Reetz, A. ., Valtchanov, D. ., Barnett-Cowan, M. ., Hancock, M. ., & Wallace, J. R. (2021). Nature vs. Stress: Investigating the Use of Biophilia in Non-Violent Exploration Games to Reduce Stress. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5, 13 pages. (Original work published 2021)
Rizvi, A. ., Morayko, K. ., Hancock, M. ., & Song, A. . (2021). Provocations from #vanlife: Investigating Life and Work in a Community Extensively Using Technology Not Designed for Them. Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Presented at the. Yokohama, Japan: Association for Computing Machinery. (Original work published 2021)
Girouard, A. ., Froehlich, J. E., Mandryk, R. L., & Hancock, M. . (2020). Organizing Family Support Services at ACM Conferences. Commun. ACM, 63, 35\textendash38.
Ruvimova, A. ., Kim, J. ., Fritz, T. ., Hancock, M. ., & Shepherd, D. C. (2020). 'Transport Me Away': Fostering Flow in Open Offices through Virtual Reality. Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1\textendash14. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.