President's United Way Campaign Kickoff Lunch

Tuesday, September 18, 2018 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

On Tuesday September 2nd University of Waterloo United Way campaign is excited to have our campaign supporters, from volunteers and Friend+ level donors to our senior campus leaders to come together at Fed Hall.

This lunch aims to bring together stakeholders in the campus community and campaign supporters to generate excitement, learn about the importance of giving to United Way, and to share ideas about how to make this year’s campaign a success.

We want to thank everyone who will be coming to our events and supporting this year’s campaign. Without your generosity we wouldn’t be able to make an IMPACT within the broader community.

Don’t forget to mark Tuesday October 3rd in your calendars for our campaign launch. Help us turn the campus red by dressing up or decorating your office!