Frequently asked questions

University of Waterloo United Way Campaign FAQ

Below is a list of several frequently asked questions. If you have any further inquires please connect with your department area representative or the Campaign Coordinator.

1. How can I get involved? 

There are two ways to get involved with the University of Waterloo's campaign. Learn more about volunteer opportunities

2. What are the guidelines around events with food?

Please visit University of Waterloo's Event Food Safety website for this information.

3. What are the guidelines for lottery events?

We have moved away from the lottery style events (bingo, 50/50 draws) which gives us an opportunity to get creative in our fundraising efforts. Connect with your area representative for more information. 

4. If I donate via payroll or pension, when do the deductions start?

The deductions begin in the new year, after the campaign finishes. For example, for the fall 2024 campaign, deductions will begin January 2025. 

5. How do I make a donation using ePledge?

We have laid out step-by-step instructions for using ePledge.

6. I don't want to use ePledge, how can I donate?

You can still donate by using the paper pledge form.

 7. If I donate to another United Way, when will my donation be disbursed?

One-time designated donations paid during the campaign will be sent to the desired United Way location the following April. Donations made through payroll deduction will be sent to the chairty after all monies have been collected and remitted by the workplace to United Way Waterloo Region Communities. Example: A payroll deduction donation is pledged in the fall of 2024. The donation is collected from the employee and remitted to United Way Waterloo Region Communities throughout the following year (2025). The designations are distributed to the desired United Way location in April 2025.

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