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Bill Taylor Recognized with Career Achievement Award

The Water Institute's Growing External Partners Network
The Water Institute is pleased to welcome several new External Partners to its growing network. In particular, the City of Waterloo and the City of Kitchener joined as Gold External Partners. We are happy to see these new partners reinforce support from our local community, and underscore the importance of municipal and university collaboration.
Water Institute hosts delegation from the Mekong River Commission
Biology Graduate Students Capture Awards at Aquatic Toxicology Workshop
Lesley Milne placed first with her presentation titled: Using non-linear models to predict the chronic toxicity of cobalt to Hyalella azteca under different water chemistry conditions.
Jessica Leung placed third with her presentation: Different responses in toxicology testing among two members of the Hyalella azteca species complex.
Request for Proposals: Water Institute-Sponsored Workshop/Symposium
IWM Graduate Studies Program Information
A public information session regarding the new Integrated Water Management (IWM) Graduate Program was held October 9th. This collaborative program will be an extension to existing graduate degree programs in the participating departments. The purpose of the program is to supplement specialist training in the student's home department with the opportunity for a multidisciplinary experience for students so they will be better equipped to work effectively in multidiscplinary teams.
The Water Institute Sponsors Children's Water Festivals

AECOM and Golder Associates Graduate Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted
One AECOM graduate scholarship will be awarded to a student in the Faculty of Science and the second scholarship will be awarded to a student in the Faculty of Engineering.