We are looking for adults diagnosed with macular degeneration for a study which examines whether reading can be improved through a combination of practice and the use of a safe, well-established technique for temporarily changing brain function called non-invasive brain stimulation. It is important to note that we cannot guarantee that you will personally experience any visual benefits. However, we are performing this study because we believe it might hold promise for future treatments and interventions.
Participants will be asked to read words on a computer screen for 9 study sessions spaced out over a period of 2 to 3 months.
Eligibility: Adults diagnosed with macular degeneration. Participants must not have any additional eye conditions (previous cataract surgery is acceptable), should not be undergoing eye-based injections, and must be eligible for non-invasive brain stimulation (researchers will screen for this).
Time commitment: Attend 9 visits (2 hours per visit) over the course of approximately 2 to 3 months. You will be given $20 per session in appreciation for your time. Transportation will be provided at no cost to you. However, if you have a driver, we can provide them with a parking voucher to cover any parking expenses.
To participate, please contact Melanie Mungalsingh at mamungal@uwaterloo.ca. Alternatively, you can call 519-888-4567 ext. 38651. If necessary, please leave a message so we can get back to you as soon as possible.