Tammy Labreche is a clinical associate professor at the School of Optometry and Vision Science. A graduate of the University of Waterloo, Dr. Labreche has earned a Bachelor of Science degree (1999), a Doctor of Optometry degree (1999) and a residency diploma in Low vision and Geriatrics (2000). Tammy Labreche joined the faculty at the school in 2004 following several years in private practice. She provides patient care and student education predominantly in the areas of external geriatrics outreach and low vision in association with the university’s Centre for Sight Enhancement (CSE). She is the Head of Habilitation Services and the Director of the CSE. Her clinical expertise and scholarship interests address areas of low vision rehabilitation and geriatric vision outreach.
Research Interests
- Vision and fall prevention
- Neuro-optometric rehabilitation
- Low vision service delivery
- Communication with those with communication impairments
- Eye care in long term care facilities including low vision rehabilitation
- Director- Cenre for Sight Enhancement
- Head - External Geriatrics
- Head - Habilitation Clinics
- Registered optometrist with Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents (TPA) certification
- Supervising clinician
- Assistive Devices Program (ADP) authorizer