5th International Green Energy Conference (IGEC-V)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The International Green Energy Conference (IGEC) is a multi-disciplinary international conference, aiming to bring researchers together to advance research and technological innovation/development pertaining to all aspect of energy for humanity without undue impact on the environment and social and economic development through energy diversity, energy localization, energy security, and energy sustainability. IGEC-V was organized by the International Association for Green Energy with partnership with the University of Waterloo. This was the second time for the University of Waterloo to host the conference.

The IGEC-V covered a wide range of topics in green energy area. Some of the topics covered were: energy analysis/management, solar energy, wind energy, hydrogen production/storage, fuel cells, biofuels, green buildings, and emission abatement. These topics offered the opportunity for many researchers, students, scientists, engineers, educators, government officials, consultants, managers, and others from across the world to share their findings and research and have significant discussions pertaining to these topics. The conference featured seven keynote speakers, three specialized sessions, three panel sessions, and 17 parallel sessions. Furthermore, this conference offered a half day networking session, where many government and industry leaders were invited to discuss crucial topics on green energy research and its integration into society.