Energy Day 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013


9:00 am - 9:30 am

Coffee and Networking

9:30 am - 10:30 am Panel 1 - Shale Gas Development: The Use and Protection of Water
10:30 am - 12:00 pm Lab Tours and Student Poster/Demo Presentations*
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Panel 2 - The Need for Innovation in Energy Storage
1:00 pm - 1:15 pm

Closing Remarks

Panel 1 

Shale Gas Development: The Use and Protection of Water 


Jatin Nathwani 

Development of shale gas and other hydrocarbon resources in low permeability formations requires large-scale hydraulic fracturing, usually carried out with water-based fluids.  The panel discussed how water needs can be met and how the technology is evolving. 

The impact of many wellbores, some of which may be inadequately sealed against gas seepage, is another water issue arising in intensive shale gas development.  The panel discussed the current understanding of gas seepage along wellbores and identify research and development needs in to protect shallow groundwater from invasion of natural gas. 


  • Jatin Nathwani
  • Maurice Dusseault
  • Beth Parker
  • Richard Jackson

Panel 2 

The Need for Innovation in Energy Storage 


Zhongwei Chen 

Is there a role for innovative and advanced electrochemical energy storage in Canada? This panel discussed the promise and potential of novel electrochemical solutions to deliver safe, reliable and high-performance energy storage in stationary and motive applications. 


  • Zhongwei Chen
  • Rob Harvey
  • John Adams
  • Mike Fowler

Speaker Bios

Panel 1  

Mel Ydreos  

Mel Ydreos is the Executive Director of EnergyVantage, a recently formed consulting firm specializing in supporting transformational energy solutions including global energy policy and strategy, organizational cultural, revenue and cost transformation.  He is active in the natural gas industry. He is currently the Interim President and CEO of the Ontario Energy Association.  Previously at Union Gas, Mel led the company's government affairs activities. He is vice chairman for the 2012-15 IGU's French Triennium. Mel is the Founding Chair of Energy Technology and Innovation Canada, a member of Pollution Probe's Board of Directors and a member of the Advisory Committee of the Mowat Centre's Energy Fellow. He is past chair of the Standing Committee on Operations for the Canadian Gas Association and has served on the boards for Canadian Standards International and the Canadian Standards Association Group. 

Maurice Dusseault 

Maurice Dusseault is a Professor of Geological Engineering, in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Department. He teaches rock mechanics and oil production methods. Maurice carries out research in geomechanics in mining and oil and gas development, hydraulic fracturing, shale gas, oil production technologies, and deep waste disposal technologies using hydrofracturing.  Current interests include CO2 sequestration, biosolids injection, leaky oil and gas wells, and thermo-hydraulic-mechanical coupling issues.  He has co-authored two textbooks and 500 articles. Maurice works with industry and governments as an advisor and professional instructor.  His goal as president of the Petroleum Geomechanics Commission of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, formed in 2011 is to develop this area of rock mechanics. 

Beth Parker 

Beth Parker is a Professor at the School of Engineering and Director of the G360 Centre for Applied Groundwater Research at the University of Guelph. She has been awarded the NSERC Industrial Chair in Fractured Rock Contaminant Hydrogeology since 2007. She has more than 30 years of experience investigating subsurface contamination at numerous sites around the world. Her current research activities emphasize developing improved field and laboratory methods for characterizations and monitoring industrial effects of diffusion in low permeability zones, plume attenuation and hydrogeologic controls on remediation. She is involved in research and technology demonstration projects at facilities in Canada, US, Europe and Brazil. Beth received the 2009 John Hem Award from the United States National Groundwater Association and currently serves on the Canadian Council of Academies Panel on the Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development.  

Richard Jackson 

Richard Jackson is a registered Professional (Geological) Engineer in both Ontario and British Columbia.  He obtained his PhD in 1979 at the University of Waterloo and completed a 15 year career with Environment Canada by becoming Chief of the Ground-Water Contamination Project at the National Water Research Institute in Burlington, Ontario. He then joined INTERA in Austin, Texas in 1989 where he worked on methods of enhanced oil recovery for groundwater cleanup. Richard returned to Canada in 2006 as a Principal with Geofirma Engineering Ltd. of Ottawa, based in Waterloo. He was task leader for geochemistry and petrophysics during the characterization of sedimentary rocks beneath the Bruce Nuclear site near Kincardine, Ontario for the Deep Geological Repository. He was awarded the 2008 Geoenvironmental Award of the Canadian Geotechnical Society and gave the invited 2008 Farvolden Lecture at UW.    

Panel 2

Zhongwei Chen 

Zhongwei Chen is an Assistant Professor with the Chemical Engineering Department and Director of the Applied Nanomaterials and Clean Energy Lab. He has received various honours and awards. The lab is working on electrocatalysts and understanding of proton-exchange membranes and electrode catalysts in fuel cells; improving their efficiency and reducing costs. Hydrogen and methanol fuelled PEM fuel cells have shown great promise for powering vehicles, homes and portable electronics.  His research in nano materials is directed towards synthesis and functionality of nanostructured materials of carbon, metal and metal oxides.  His work in composite membranes for water treatment & separation is developing a polymer-zeolite composite membrane for water purification, improved contaminant selectivity and better fouling resistance. 

Rob Harvey  

Rob Harvey is Director, Energy Storage at Hydrogenics.  In this role he works closely with utilities, regulators and associations to refine business models and define the customer requirements for Power-to-Gas, a large scale energy conversion and storage process using hydrogen.   Rob is also responsible for internal sales support as the company develops P2G markets globally using its PEM electrolyser technology.  A former Principal with PHB Hagler Bailly and energy consultant with Oliver Wyman, Rob has worked with several leading North American electric utilities and start-up biogas and waste-to-energy ventures, in the areas of strategic analysis and business planning.  Rob graduated from the University of Waterloo in Systems Design Engineering and has an MBA from Regent University in Virginia.  He is a member of Professional Engineers Ontario and Vice Chair of the Ontario Energy Storage Alliance. 

Michael Fowler 

Michael Fowler is an Associate Professor in the Chemical Engineering Department. Mike is a member of the Ontario Fuel Cell Research and Innovation Network which is working towards overcoming the technical roadblocks to realizing the full economic and environmental benefits of implementing fuel cell power technologies. He collaborates with numerous industrial and government partners. His primary research interest lies in the design and performance of fuel cell stacks and systems. This includes modeling of fuel cell system reliability and research into potential failure modes and causes experienced in fuel cells stacks. His research includes development and testing of polymeric materials used in fuel cell electrolyte, gas diffusion layer, and bipolar plate materials.