This 1.5 day Workshop was held at the University of Waterloo on January 23 and 24, 2020. The Workshop explored current activity in all geothermal technologies being used or considered in Canada, and generated a short synthesis outlining future pathways to greater adoption of this green energy source.
Day One Agenda: Thursday January 23, 2020 |
09:00-09:15 |
Breakfast KeynoteJatin Nathwani, Founding Executive Director, Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy; Professor & Ontario Research Chair in Public Policy, University of Waterloo |
09:15-09:30 09:30 – 09:50 |
Panel I Leader:Geothermal Energy Research and Technology in Canada Moderator: Armughan Al-Haq, Manager, Manager, Program Development, Partnerships and Finance, Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy
10:30 - 10:45 |
Break |
10:45-11:05 11:05 – 11:25 11:25 – 11:45 11:45 – 12:15 |
Panel I is open to all questions from the floor |
12:15 – 13:00 13:00 – 13:30 |
Lunch:Researcher & student showcase Luncheon Keynote:Roydon Fraser, Teaching Chair & Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo |
13:30 – 14:00 14:00 - 14:20 |
Panel II Leader:Industry and Geothermal Growth in Canada and the World Jatin Nathwani, Founding Executive Director, Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy; Professor & Ontario Research Chair in Public Policy, University of Waterloo
15:00 – 15:15 |
Break |
15:15 – 15:35 15:35 – 15:55 15:55 - 16:15 16:15 - 17:00 |
Panel II is open to all questions from the floor |
3:30 – 4:30 |
Reception, Innovation Showcase, Student Posters & Industry-Academic Collaboration |
Day Two Agenda : Thursday January 24, 2020 |
09:00-09:15 |
Working Session:Defining Future Pathways for Geothermal Energy in Canada
09:15-10:45 | Groups will form, appoint a Leader and address their question in detail. The product from each Group will be a set of important points (no less than 10) relevant to the particular question, places on PowerPoint slide blanks by a Group Secretary. |
10:45 - 11:45 |
Break |
10:45-13:00 | Groups will present their comments one by one to the entire audience at 15 minute intervals, soliciting questions and discussion, attempting to answer the questions. Each Group Secretary should add important issues to the original points on the slides. |