OCE Discovery 2010 Exhibition and Conference - Plug'n Drive Ontario

Monday, May 17, 2010

Great things happen when people with great ideas get together face-to-face, and OCE actively promotes this game-changing communication through a variety of events and programs throughout the province. 

OCE’s Discovery conference is Canada’s largest innovation and commercialization event. Discovery brings together the key players from industry, academia and government, as well as entrepreneurs, the investment community and students. Discovery 2010 was held in Toronto, May 17 and 18, 2010, occupied 200,000 square feet of exhibition space and attracted more than 325 exhibitors and almost 2,500 attendees. 

Why is Discovery important? It works. Among those who exhibited, more than 40 per cent found a potential business partner, and almost two thirds met a businessperson or investor who expressed interest in their business, product or service. The space was arranged in four sector zones reflecting the most exciting areas: advanced health; clean tech; digital; and manufacturing.

Discovery 2010 was also the forum for announcing the Premier’s Innovation Awards, recognition for world-class innovators, those whose work is shaping our world and inventing Ontario’s economic future.