Resource Recovery Partnership Workshop 2018

Thursday, June 21, 2018
Resource Recovery Partnership Conference 2018

The goal of the two-day interactive conference was to address what the critical components required in the journey towards zero waste and a sustainable economy are. Our panels of experts shared insights and invited audience feedback on the following topics:

  • Circular economy: is there an integrated approach to sustainable energy and sustainable materials management?
  • Competing philosophies of the sustainable economy: is there “one” right answer?
  • Waste as feedstocks – technology – end markets: can we close the loop to maximize resource efficiency?
  • Exploring the versatility of recovery technologies: we can discover the many hidden methods and sources to achieve sustainable energy.
  • Charting the path to a sustainable economy by: identifying the financial, legislative and market challenges, impediments and opportunities for advancing the “4th R”.


THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 2018 (DAY 1)

9:30 am ‐ 10:00 am Registration & Continental Breakfast
10:00 am ‐ 10:20 am

Opening Remarks: Recap progress made from previous workshops and events

Carol Hochu, President & CEO, Canadian Plastics Industry Association

Bill Anderson, Professor & Director of Admissions, Engineering, University of Waterloo

10:20 am ‐ 10:45 am Opening Address: Jay Stanford, Director, Environment, Fleet & Solid Waste, City of London
10:45 am ‐ 11:15 am

Circular Economy & Sustainable Materials Management – An Integrated Approach

Stephen Sikra, Section Head, Procter and Gamble

11:15 am ‐ 11:30 am Coffee & Networking
11:30 am ‐ 12:50 pm

Best Practices in the Adoption of Resource Recovery Strategies

Highlighting case studies of jurisdictions that have achieved advancements in the pursuit of ‘zero waste’ by innovatively narrowing gaps between landfill and mechanical recycling using resource recovery technologies.

Moderator: Bill Anderson, Professor & Director of Admissions, Engineering, University of Waterloo

Craig Foster, Principal, Craig Foster & Associates

Keith Sinfield, Director of Engineering, Renewi

Umberto Arena, Professor of Solid Waste Management & Air Pollution Control Engineering, University of Campania (Italy)

12:50 pm ‐ 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm ‐ 2:00 pm

The ‘Competing’ Philosophies of the Sustainable Economy

Dan Lantz, CEO, Scout Environmental

Sustainable Economy Debate

Moderator: Dan Lantz, CEO, Scout Environmental

Marco Castaldi, Professor, Chemical Engineering, City College of New York, CUNY Director Earth Engineering Center | CCNY | Director Earth System Science & Environmental Engineering

Franco Berruti, Chemical Engineering, Professor & Director, ICFAR, University of Western Ontario

Norman Lee, Director, Waste Management, Region of Peel

Peter Hargreave, President, Policy Integrity Inc.

3:20 pm ‐ 3:45 pm

Closing Remarks

Joe Hruska, Vice President of Sustainability, Canadian Plastics Industry Association

3:45 ‐ 5:45 pm Cocktail Reception

FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 2018 (DAY 2)

8:30 am ‐ 9:00 am Continental Breakfast
9:00 am ‐ 9:15 am Welcome: Day One recap; preview of Day Two objectives and goals.
9:15 am ‐ 10:45 am

Closing the Loop – Feedstock Challenges in a Sustainable Economy

Joe Hruska, Vice President, Sustainability, Canadian Plastics Industry

Yesterdays’ waste is today’s valuable production resource. Examples of how the value of waste is changing from a liability to an asset in the new circular economy.

Moderator: Joe Hruska, Vice President, Sustainability, Canadian Plastics Industry Association

John Wilkinson, Senior Vice President, Sustainability, Greenfield

Brian Moe, Vice President, Operations, Agilyx

Michael Zabaneh, Director, Integrated Market Development, Canada Fibers, Canada Fibers Ltd.

10:45 am ‐ 11:00 am

NSERC Updates

Updates from a Research & Innovation Development Officer, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research

Alejandra de Almeida, Ph.D, Research Partnerships, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

11:00 am – 11:15 am Coffee and Networking
11:15 am – 12:45 pm

Robust Technologies and Products Driving a Sustainable Economy

Showcasing best practice examples of conversion technology installed at private and public facilities around the world. These production methods demonstrate how this waste material has become a valuable new product in a 21st century economy.

Moderator: Fergal McDonough, President, Envise Consulting Inc.

Douglas Russell, Chief Business Development Officer, Cogent Energy Systems

James Ewell, Senior Director, Sustainable Materials, GreenBlue

Michael Rich, Technical Advisor at Redican Bioenergy Co., Ltd.

Michael Appleby, President of REDICan Bioenergy Co., Ltd.

12:45 pm ‐ 1:15 pm Lunch
1:15 pm ‐ 1:45 pm

Keynote Address

Craig Cookson, Director, Sustainability & Recycling, American Chemistry Council

1:45 pm ‐ 3:15 pm

Charting the Path to a Sustainable Economy

Identifying the Financial, Legislative and Market Challenges, Impediments and Opportunities for Advancing the 4th R Moderator: Jay Stanford, Director, Environment, Fleet & Solid Waste, City of London

Sandy Marshall, Executive Director, Bioindustrial Innovation Canada Lyle Clarke, President & CEO,

Lyle Clarke & Associates

Amar Mohanty, Professor & Premier's Research Chair in Biomaterials & Transportation, University of Guelph

3:15 pm ‐ 3:30 pm

Closing Remarks

Joe Hruska, Vice President, Sustainability, Canadian Plastics Industry Association