The S-@ccess Conference is an international event that brings together professionals to discuss decentralized energy access and local development. The conference focuses on practical, real-world projects and covers technical, social, environmental, business, and management aspects. The 3rd International Conference was held at Universitat de les Illes Balears Palma de Mallorca, Spain on Sept 15-17, 2021.
The main objective of the conference was to provide an opportunity for an exchange between practitioners from the industry, academia and development institutions working in the field of decentralized energy. The conference covered technical, business and management aspects of solar technologies and mini grids with the aim of sharing experiences, learning from each other and networking.
Solar technologies (including photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies) offer a unique opportunity to provide access to modern energies to more than 1 billion people in rural areas worldwide. Access to modern energy is an enabler and a necessity condition to improve the quality of life of households, to increase livelihood opportunities and productivity of enterprises and to professionalize the services of public institutions. However, access to energy should be embedded in cross-sectoral activities to achieve maximum impact. Thus, powering health centers and schools will only lead to better medical services and education if the necessary resources for appliances are available and proper management systems in place. Micro and small enterprises often invest in efficient equipment only if they have access to finance and to new markets. Solar crop drying or solar process heat can increase significantly the local added value of fresh produce. Mini-grids will transform rural communities if the full potential of the energy is used in the villages.
It is the intention of the conference to discuss the nexus of energy access with other sectors more in depth. The conference will also provide a forum to exchange experiences with the different business models in the field of solar technologies and mini-grids and innovative approaches. The conference invited acknowledged experts to provide an overview about the status in different technology areas and give room to participants, who want to present their results from scientific research or experiences from the fieldwork.
Conference Chair
Dr. Carsten Hellpap | iiDev, Germany |
Xavier Vallvé | Trama TecnoAmbiental, Spain |
Scientific Committee
Prof. Peter Adelmann | Universitiy of Applied Sciences Ulm, Germany |
Georg Bopp | Fraunhofer ISE, Germany |
Prof. Bin-Juine Huang | New Energy Center, National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
Prof. Boaventura Cuamba | Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique |
Tatia Lemondzhava | The World Bank/ESMAP, US |
Prof. Clark A. Miller | Center for Energy & Society, Arizona State University, US |
Dr. Andreu Moià | Universitat de les Illes Balears UIB, Spain |
Prof. Jatin Nathwani | Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy, University of Waterloo, Canada |
David Otieno | GIZ, Ethiopia |
Kilian Reiche | iiDevelopment GmbH, Germany |
Prof. Ricardo Rüther | Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil |
Prof. Celestino Ruivo | ISE, University of Algarve, ADAI, Portugal |
Dr. Maria Ten Palomares | Energy & Development Consultant, Belgium |
Werner Weiss | AEE - Institute for Sustainable Technologies, Austria |
Tobias Zwirner | Phaesun, Germany |
WED, SEP 15, 2021 |
4:00PM |
5:00PM - 5:35PM |
Opening Address 5:00PM – Xavier Vallvé, Trama TecnoAmbiental (Spain) 5:05PM – Dr. Andreu Moià, Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain) Dra. Loren Carrasco, Vicerectora d'Innovació i Transferència Digital. Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain) Keynote speech : 5:15PM – Jon Exel, Team-Leader ESMAP, The World Bank (USA) - Mini Grids for Half a Billion People, Two Years After Release of Main Report - ONLINE |
SESSION 1: PROGRESS AND CHALLENGES IN ACHIEVING SDG 7 Chairs: Dr. Carsten Hellpap, iiDEV, Germany Xavier Vallvé, Trama TecnoAmbiental, Spain |
5:35PM |
Solar – Thermal Systems as Solution to the Power Crisis in Southern Africa Werner Weiss - AEE Institute for Sustainable Technologies (Austria) – ONLINE |
5:50PM |
Experiences of Cooking on Solar Mini Grids Melinda Barnard-Tallier & Dr Richard Seiff - Gamos - Loughborough University - University of Surrey (United Kingdom) |
6:05PM |
Status of the Global Off-Grid Solar Market Drew Corbyn - GOGLA (The Netherlands) - ONLINE |
6:20PM |
SDG7: Status of Achievements of Energy Access for All, and the Role of Mini Grids in Reaching Universal Electrification Tatia Lemondzhava - The World Bank (USA) - ONLINE |
6:35PM | Discussion | ||
INDUSTRY FORUM – Company presentations Session organizer: Ingo Vosseler, TTA, Spain |
6:50 PM |
7:15PM | Welcome Reception and networking | ||
8:00PM |
End of the First Conference Day |
THU, SEP 16, 2021 |
9:00AM - 9:15AM |
SESSION 2: ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONTINUOUS POSTER VIEW Organizer: Dr. Andreu Moià-Pol, Universitat de les Illes Balears UIB, Spain Posters will be continuously available virtually on the App Padlet. On-site poster presentation during coffee-breaks and lunch. |
Optimizer - Based PV Systems under Shading Conditions Virginia Cebollada Alvarez - University of Gävle (Sweden) |
Holistic microgrid planning for rural electrification Marina Petrelli - Politecnico di Milano (Italy) |
Comparative Assessment of Off - Grid Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System: Technical & Investment Analysis Dr. Abdul Muhaimin Mahmud - Public Works Department of Malaysia (Malaysia) - ONLINE |
Implementing Quality Criteria in Mini - Grids – Best Practices and Lessons Learned Tim Malzfeld - SMA Sunbelt Energy GmbH (Germany) |
Networked Rural Electrification Daniel Zimmerle - Colorado State University (USA) |
GIS Approach for Rural Electrification Silvia Corigliano - Politecnico di Milano (Italy) |
Blockchain vs DAG for Small Energy Community Pere Sabater - University of Balearic Islands (Spain) |
Using Blockchain to Incentivize Small Scale Power Trading and Mini - Grid Creation Michele Velenderic - Green Power Brains (Germany) - ONLINE |
The EnerSHelF Project Inter - and Transdisziplinary Research on Energy Supply for Health Facilities in Ghana Stefanie Meilinger - IZNE (Germany) - ONLINE |
The Role of Renewable Energy Off - Grid Systems in Global Electrification Scenarios and for Climate Action Dr. Philipp Blechinger - Reiner Lemoine Institut (Germany) - ONLINE |
Off - Grid Hybrid Renewable Electricity Systems (OHRES) Deployment, Techno - Economic Modelling and System Data Analysis Platform Using Hybrid Battery Storage. Shared Experience from First Case - Study System Deployment in Nemiah Valley, BC, Canada Mohamed M. Elkadragy - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Germany) - ONLINE |
Monitoring Results of Solar Thermal Systems in the South African Region Rudolf Moschik - AEE INTEC (Austria) – ONLINE |
The Use of Composite Heating Storage Materials Based on Zn(NO3)2·6H2O for Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water Supply in the Arctic Region of the Russian Federation Testov Dmitriy - Dubna State University (Russia) – ONLINE |
Heating Storage Materials Based on MgNO3*6H2O Artem Morzhikhim Martovich - Dubna State University (Russia) – ONLINE |
Refrigeration Appliances for Mini Grids: Options to Keep Energy Consumption under Control Dr. Victor Torres-Toledo - Phaesun GmbH (Germany) – ONLINE |
Proposals to Cooperation in Overcoming Poverty and Lack of Prospects in Developing Countries by Open Source Appropriate Technology (OSAT) and Horticulture and Using Revenues from the Voluntary Compensation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Manolo Vilchez - alSol (Spain) |
Human Capital Development in Higher Education: a Long - Term, Integrated Approach for Achieving SDG7 Jiska de Groot - University of Cape Town (South Africa) - ONLINE |
Capacity Building in Developing Regions Matthias Raab - SRH Hochschule, Berlin (Germany) - ONLINE |
Innovation Diplomacy as a Driver of the Energy Transition Vitoria Elisa Silva - Federal University Of Uberlandia (Brazil) – ONLINE |
SESSION 3: LESSONS LEARNED: FAILURE AND SUCCESS FACTORS Chairs: Dr. Carsten Hellpap, iiDEV, Germany Hedi Feibel, Skat Foundation, Switzerland - ONLINE |
9:15AM |
Lessons Learnt from Pico PV, SHS, PAYGO Market Development; The Case of Kenya Merijn Havinga – SNV (The Netherlands) – ONLINE |
9:30AM |
African villages electrification Marc Guirguirian – Socomec (France) |
9:45AM |
Success of Self – Sustainable Off – Grid Rural Electrification Projects in India Prasad Kulkarni – Gram Oorja Solutions Private Limited (India) – ONLINE |
10:00AM |
Assessment of electrification options for off - grid areas in Cambodia Andrés González García – Senergiality, S.L (Spain) |
10:15AM | Discussion | ||
10:30AM - 11:00AM | Coffee Break and networking | ||
SESSION 4: KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER, OPTIMISATION AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Chairs: Werner Weiss, AEE - Institute for Sustainable Technologies, Austria – ONLINE Dr. Andreu Moià-Pol, Universitat de les Illes Balears UIB, Spain |
11:00AM |
Global ONLINE Knowledge Management on Energy Access via Energypedia Ranisha Basnet – Energypedia - ONLINE |
11:10AM |
Battery Training for PV - Hybrid and Mini - Grid: A real Tool to Optimize the Projects Claude Campion - 3C Projects (France) |
11:20AM |
Promoting Solar Cooling through Technical Training Courses Julian Krüger - Solar Cooling Engineering UG (Germany) - ONLINE |
11:30AM | Discussion | ||
11:40AM |
Potential Energy Savings in Interconnected Domestic Solar Systems Daniel Zimmerle - Colorado State University (USA) |
11:50AM |
Optimal Integration of Photovoltaics in Micro - Grids that are Dominated by Diesel Power Plants Nils Reiners - Institute for Solar Energy Systems (Germany) - ONLINE |
12:00PM |
Interactive Multicriteria Optimizer for Designing Microgrid Wind - PV Electrification Systems Considering Managements Constraints Marc Juanpera Gallel - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain) |
12:10PM | Discussion | ||
12:20PM |
Quality Assurance Framework for Component Based Solar Home Systems in Uganda Geoff Stapleton - Global Sustainable Energy Solutions Pty Ltd (Australia) - ONLINE |
12:30PM |
Adoption of Solar Water Pumps in Tanzania: The Farmers’ Perspectives Reinhard P. de Lucas Murillo de la Cueva - Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) - ONLINE |
12:40PM |
Isla Huapi: Setting up a Sustainable Business Model for Stand - Alone PV Elena Villanueva Méndez - Ministry of Energy Chile (Chile) - ONLINE |
12:50PM | Discussion | ||
1:00PM | LUNCH and networking | ||
SESSION 5: DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN THE OFF-GRID SECTOR Chair: Daniel Zimmerle - State University of Colorado, US Tatia Lemondzhava - The World Bank (US) - ONLINE |
2:30PM | An Integrated Approach for Powering Primary Health Facilities in Developing Countries with Solar Technologies Carsten Hellpap - iiDev (Germany) | ||
2:45PM |
Hydro Empowerment Network HPNET: What the solar mini grid sector can learn from more than 40 years of small-scale hydro experience Dr. Hedi Feibel - SKAT Foundation (Switzerland) - ONLINE |
3:00PM |
Haiti Renewable Energy Mini grid Program: PHARES Georgios Xenakis – TTA (Spain) |
3:15PM |
A History of Least Cost Mini Grid Design Peter Lilienthal - HOMER Energy (USA) - ONLINE |
3:30PM | Discussion | ||
3:45PM - 4:20PM | Coffee Break and networking | ||
SESSION 6: INNOVATIONS, PRODUCTIVE USES AND PLANNING Chairs: Andrés González García, Universal Energy Access Laboratory - MIT & Comillas University, Spain Jatin Nathwani, WISE, Canada - ONLINE |
4:20PM | How to Design a Photovoltaic Powered Aeration System Petross Guambe - Songo Higher Polytechnic Institute (Mozambique) | ||
4:30PM |
REvivED Water: Innovative Electrodialysis Solutions for Clean Drinking Water in Off - Grid Areas Géraldine Quelle - REvivED water, Phaesun GmbH (Germany) – ONLINE |
4:40PM |
Designing Solar PV for Topping up Energy of an Oil Based Solar Thermal Collector for Cooking Application Tomas Nhabetse - Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique) – ONLINE |
4:50PM |
Peltier Cooling in SHS systems Daniel Goldbach - Fosera Solarsystems (Germany) |
5:00PM |
MIA - Made in Africa Prof. Peter Adelmann - id-eee Institute (Germany) - ONLINE |
5:10PM | Discussion | ||
5:20PM |
Smart Solar Off - Grid in Belize Sarah Link - cdw Stiftung GmbH (Germany) - ONLINE |
5:30PM |
Solar Cooling Systems for Agricultural Value Chains Dr. Victor Torres Toledo - University of Hohenheim (Germany) - ONLINE |
5:40PM |
Reliability Evaluation of Mini - Grids Considering Protection Issues Maël Riou - Entech Smart Energies (France) - ONLINE |
5:50PM | Discussion | ||
6:00PM |
Development of a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework to Generate Data - Driven Load Profiles for Rural Households Powered by a Solar Hybrid Mini - Grid Babak Ravanbach – DLR Institute of Networked Energy Systems (Germany) – ONLINE |
6:10PM |
Exploring the Nexus of Mini - Grids and Digital Technologies Dr. Bernhard Brand – Enerpirica (Germany) |
6:20PM |
Interdisciplinary Analysis of Renewable Energy - Based Mini - Grids in Namibian Remote Areas – An Overview on the PROCEED Project Sven Kühnel - Institute of new Energy Systems, THI (Germany) - ONLINE |
6:30PM | Discussion | ||
7:15PM |
End of the Conference Day Buses to the dinner restaurant are leaving in front of the University |
8:00PM | Conference Dinner | ||
FRI, SEP 17, 2021 |
9:00AM |
Hybrid Mini - Grids for Healthcare and Livelihoods Opportunities in Humanitarian Settings: The Case of Mahama Refugee Camp Philip Sandwell - Imperial College London (United Kingdom) - ONLINE |
9:15AM |
Pay - as - you - go Solar: UGANDA - A Potential Energy Reality in the West Nile Humanitarian Context? Cecilia Ragazzi - Mercy Corps (United Kingdom) - ONLINE |
9:30AM |
Study of Photovoltaic Energy for the Reduction of Moroccan Households Energy Poverty Andreu Moià Pol - University of Balearic Islands (Spain) |
9:45AM |
Renewable Energy in Humanitarian Settings: a Blueprint Aakarshan Vaid, IRENA (Germany) - ONLINE |
10:00AM | Discussion | ||
SESSION 8: PANEL DISCUSSIONS Session organizer: Xavier Vallvé, TTA, Spain Kilian Reiche, iiDev, Germany – ONLINE |
10:15AM |
Topic 1: Touch Safe Rural Electrification Participants: Dan Zimmerle, Pablo Muñoz, Maël Riou |
10:35AM |
Topic 2: Pros and Cons in Subsidy schemes for energy access Participants: Carsten Hellpap, Georgios Xenakis, Hedi Feibel |
10:55AM |
Topic 3: Trends in thermal applications driven by solar energy Participants: Werner Weiss, Simon Batchelor, Victor Martínez |
11:15AM-11:45AM | Coffee Break and networking | ||
SESSION 9: INTEGRATED CONCEPTS AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT Chairs: Xavier Vallvé, TTA, Spain Kilian Reiche, iiDev, Germany - ONLINE |
11:45AM |
Promoting Sustainable Communities via Appropriately Designed and Participatory Energy Access in Rural Areas of Developing Countries Davi Ezequiel Francois - ITAS & KIT (Germany) - ONLINE |
12:00PM |
Integration of Electro - Mobility Solutions into Off - Grid PV Systems for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in Sub - Sahara Africa Aminu Bugaje - Institute of new Energy Systems, THI (Germany) |
12:15PM |
Gender Mainstreaming in Solar Irrigation projects Ranisha Basnet - Energypedia UG/Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Germany) - ONLINE |
12:30PM |
Energy Management in Offgrid Systems Pierre-Olivier Moix - Studer-Innotec (Switzerland) |
12:45PM |
Results Based Financing to Catalyze Commercial Finance for Off-grid Solar Market Development Martijn Veen, SNV (The Netherlands) - ONLINE |
1:00PM | Discussion | ||
1:30PM |
CLOSING REMARKS Dr. Carsten Hellpap - iiDev (Germany) Xavier Vallvé - Trama TecnoAmbiental (Spain) END OF THE CONFERENCE |
1:45PM |
“SOLAR LUNCH” (lunchtime networking) Manolo Vilchez and Julio Cantos lead a Solar Cooking Event. Participants are encouraged to get involved, enjoy the meal and have fun together! |