The Sarnia-Lambton Energy Symposium is a Canadian event that explores energy-related topics. The 2016 symposium focused on catalyzing large energy projects to drive Canada's energy strategy.
Professor Maurice Dusseault, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Science, was the Keynote Speaker at the symposium. His talk was titled “Compressed Air Energy Storage in Salt Galleries in SW Ontario.”
What was discussed?
- How to generate sustainable wealth and jobs
- How to identify major energy sources
- How to evaluate energy sources for their economic and environmental performance
- How to evaluate energy sources for their social readiness
Feature Speakers
Eric Deschenes, Vice President of Energy Business Unit, Schneider Electric
Bala Venkatesh, Professor of Engineering, Ryerson University
Maurice Dusseault, Professor of Geological Engineering, University of Waterloo
1. Dimitre Karamenov, Western University/ BioGenerator Energy Solutions Inc
2. Gary Michor, Screaming Power
3. Ian MacRobbie, Enbridge
4. Gary Thomson, Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited
5. Geoff Osborne, NRSTOR
6. Milana Trifkovic, University of Calgary
7. Ian McLellan, Ubiquity Solar Inc.
8. Panel Discussion:Why Sarnia-Lambton is a good place for innovative SMEs?