Supported by the Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE), Natural Science & Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (WISE), Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology (CBB), Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change (IC3), and the University of Waterloo.
Benefits to researchers:
- Meet potential research sponsors
- Learn about industry problems
- Gain exposure for your research
- Introduce companies to students
- Network with colleagues
Benefits to companies:
- Learn about Waterloo research and advances in applications related to greenhouse gas reduction
- Explore partnerships to address specific company interests
- Network and build relationships with researchers and students
2:00 pm |
Registration Opens |
2:30 pm |
Welcome & Opening RemarksJohn Thompson, Associate Vice President, University Research, University of Waterloo |
2:45 pm |
Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) TargetGHG Funding Program OverviewTim Gibbins, Business Development Manager, OCE NSERCAlejandra de Almeida, Research & Innovation Development Officer, NSERC |
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm |
Researcher and Company PresentationsRockford Boyer, Energy Design Centre & Roofing Manager, Roxul Inc. Maurice Dusseault, Professor, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo Paul Parker, Professor & Director, Economic Development Program, Geography & Environmental Management, University of Waterloo Joseph Lasowski, Environmental Engineer, CF Industries Kesen Ma, Associate Professor, Biology, University of Waterloo David Roewade, Sustainability Planner, Region of Waterloo Eric Croiset, Chair & Professor, Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo Zhongchao Tan, Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo Dave Thompson, Project Manager, Technical Services, Walker Environmental David Simakov, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo Yuri Leonenko, Associate Professor, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Geography & Environmental Management, University of Waterloo Seth Brouwers, Business & Financial Manager, Advanced Chemical Technologies Murray Moo-Young, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo |
4:00 pm |
Networking Reception |
5:30 pm |
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Speaker Bios

Maurice carries out research in coupled problems in geomechanics, oil production, and novel deep waste disposal technologies. Geomechanics issues in CO2 sequestration, hydraulic fracturing, well leakage mechanisms, steam injection, biosolids injection, and THM coupling issues are current interests. He holds 10 patents and has co-authored two textbooks with John Franklin (former ISRM President, deceased 2012) as well as 480 full text conference and journal articles. Maurice works with governments and industry as an advisor and professional instructor in petroleum geomechanics. He was a Society of Petroleum Engineers Distinguished Lecturer in 2002-2003, visiting 19 countries and 28 separate SPE sections, speaking on New Oil Production Technologies. He teaches a number of professional short courses in subjects such as production approaches, petroleum geomechanics, waste disposal, and sand control, presented in 20 different countries in the last 10 years.

Professor Yuri Leonenko's research interests include complex multi-phase flows and transport phenomena; and large scale geological disposal of CO2 for climate change mitigation (numerical simulations, risk assessments, economics).

Professor Murray Moo-young's research interests include biochemical engineering, industrial biotechnology, and environmental management. With the ongoing rapid advances in the life sciences, there is an increasing need for bioprocessing strategies in industrial biomanufacturing and environmental bioremediation. His research program is directed at the development and application of biotechnology innovations for the design, operation, control, optimization and scale-up of bioreactor systems required in these sectors. To date, his multidisciplinary group has produced 12 books, 10 patents and over 350 papers.

Paul’s research focuses on building sustainable communities by creating win-win opportunities for the environment and economy. He is particularly concerned with how local economic development strategies can achieve a sustainable future. Sustainable energy systems are an essential starting point, so he looks first at conservation and improving energy efficiency, then at renewable energy sources and smart grid networks as integral parts of community energy plans.

Professor Simakov’s research focusses on advanced heterogeneous catalysis and reactor design for sustainable reaction engineering, including conversion of greenhouse gases into renewable synthetic fuels.
Similarly to the way plants use photosynthesis to convert sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into their food, synthetic molecules can be generated from carbon dioxide and water using renewable energy. Our research group uses state-of-the-art catalysis and advanced reactor design to develop processes for generation of synthetic fuels and platform chemicals from greenhouse gases using wind, solar and other renewable sources of energy. The ultimate goal is to develop sustainable technologies that will decrease our dependence on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Zhongchao Tan is a Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Professor, with cross appointments in Civil & Environmental Engineering and Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo.
Professor Tan is also the Director of the Air Pollution Research and Innovation Laboratory (APRIL). His research interests involve clean air technology, indoor air quality, aerosol science and nanosafety, and biofuels. He has been awarded 2 international patents in clean air technology and is now working on filtration aiming at nanosized particles in the air with his research group. Professor Tan and his graduate students are also developing a novel process for the simultaneous removal of nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide from stationary emission sources.

As the North American Manager, Energy Design Center, for ROXUL Inc., Rockford Boyer is involved globally, promoting energy efficient products as well as energy efficient building solutions. Locally, Rocky is responsible for product and systems research with technical consultation on building science issues, including hygrothermal modeling, thermal bridging modeling, heat flow calculations, effective R-value calculations and performance of in situ wall systems.
Employed with ROXUL for over 9 years, Rocky gained value experience in many aspects of the building enclosure while specializing in Mineral Wool applications and system performance. Prior to his current role at ROXUL Inc., he worked with AMEC Earth and Environmental as a Building Science Specialist from 2003 to 2007. As a building science specialist with AMEC, Rocky’s focus was on 3rd party review and inspection of commercial and civil construction. Inspections included pile driving, rebar, concrete slab post tensioning, building enclosure, and roofing.
Rocky graduated in 1998 with a Diploma in Civil Engineering from Sault College and in 2002 graduated with an Architectural Degree (Building Science) from Ryerson University. He is currently enrolled in the Master of Building Science Program at Ryerson University (expected graduation date – Fall 2016).

Born and raised in St. Catharines, David graduated with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Honours Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo. While in university, David worked as a Co-op Student at Imperial Oil, General Motors, Maple Leaf Consumer Foods & Woodbridge Foam Group. Upon graduation, David was hired by Whiting Equipment Canada in Welland, ON and worked as a Process Engineer and Project Manager in the Swenson Process Equipment Division. David currently works as a Project Manager in the Technical Services Division of the Walker Environmental Group. An avid traveler, David has visited over 25 countries across Europe, South America and Asia in the last 10 years for work and for vacation.

As Chair of the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Waterloo, Professor Eric Croiset has numerous research interests. They include: CO2 capture from large point sources, Large scale optimization of energy systems, Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), and Syngas/Hydrogen production, Reaction Engineering. Eric was educated in France, earning his MASc (DEA), Dip. Eng. and PhD from the same Alma Mater, the University of Orléans.

Kesen Ma carries out research in physiology and enzymology of hyperthermophiles, a group of microorganisms growing at temperatures of boiling water. Metabolic processes involved in the conversion of biomass to biofuels and bioproducts at elevated temperatures are studied. Novel thermostable enzymes functioning in these processes are identified and characterized. His research provides further understanding of the mechanisms of protein thermostability, unusual metabolic pathways and biocatalysis at high temperatures, and also explores potential applications of these biocatalysts in pharmaceutical and other industrial processes.

Alejandra de Almeida is the Research and Innovation Development Officer at the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) at the Ontario Regional Office. She specializes in research partnerships between university researchers and companies, providing advice and participating in the review of grant applications for NSERC's Engage program. Alejandra has previously worked at Mitacs also in the area of research partnerships. She has a PhD in Microbiology from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Postdoctoral studies from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Her area of research was use of microorganisms for the production of biodegradable polymers and biofuels.