Webinar on Energy from Waste 2017

Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Remote video URL


1:30 pm


1:35 pm

Low Carbon Solid Fuels from Waste & Carbon Pricing Implications

Guy Desautels, Lafarge Canada Inc.

Using the cement industry as an example of industrial fossil fuel based thermal energy use, the emerging role of lower carbon fuels from waste sources (example railway ties) will be presented. The effect of various Canadian Provincial carbon pricing regimes will be compared. The information provided will assist researchers and fuel suppliers in determining the relative economic consequences due to carbon pricing when assessing different fuels and processing technologies.

1:55 pm

Question & Answer Session

2:10 pm

Advanced Pyrolysis Waste Conversion Technology for a Cleaner Ontario

Brian Lisk, Hawthorne Green Key Group

An introduction to Tucker advanced pyrolysis technology illustrating the systems advantageous design to convert a multitude of wastes resulting in value added revenue streams, while addressing today’s mandates of lowering C02 emissions, increased waste diversion, and Behind the Meter opportunities.

2:30 pm

Question & Answer Session