WISE Energy Day 2017

Thursday, March 30, 2017
WISE Energy Day 2017

WISE Energy Day 2017 featured three panel sessions that aimed to discuss current and emerging themes in the sustainable energy sector and beyond. 

Panel 1 – Energy Transitions For a Decarbonized Economy: How Fast and at What Cost?

Climate change commitment is a major focus for the Canadian government with clear policy goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to transition to a low carbon economy over the long term. What are the implications for the energy sector in the short to medium term? What are the credible technological and policy options that can meet the test of economic competitiveness, consumer acceptance and affordability? Our panel of policy analysts, climate change experts, and social and political scientists will talk about the various impacts of adopted policies on the national economy of Canada.

Panel 2 – Low Energy Green Buildings: What Can Innovation Do?

Green buildings aka net zero energy buildings are expected to last longer, be energy efficient and cost effective, and provide healthy environmental conditions for occupants The government policy is to promote highly productive and efficient buildings in the residential and commercial sectors. Our panel of experts in this discipline will shed light on best practices including material selection, building codes, design engineering, real estate norms, and architectural standards that should be adjusted to meet the energy demands of the community in Canada.

Panel 3 – Energy Access for Canada's Remote First Nations Communities: If Not Now, When?

There are nearly 300 remote communities across Northern Canada – about 170 of them First Nations – and mostly rely on diesel generators with fuel flown in or trucked in via ice road. It’s not only environmentally damaging, it’s also expensive – up to $1 per kilowatt-hour – so building capacity to get energy from renewable sources is the preferred option. The Canadian government at various levels in partnership with academic institutes is working with the indigenous communities to find innovative solutions that could end energy poverty.  Our panel of internationally renowned researchers, technology & policy specialists, and political leaders will discuss the need of developing economically feasible and financially viable energy systems to provide affordable and clean energy to remote indigenous communities across Canada.


9:00 - 9:30 am 

Coffee & Networking  

9:30 - 10:45 am 

Panel One 

Energy Transitions For a Decarbonized Economy: How Fast and at What Cost? 

Neil Craik, Director & Associate Professor of Law, School of Environment, Enterprise & Development, University of Waterloo, and Associate Director, Global Programs & Initiatives, Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy 


Ian Lipton, Founder & President, The Carbon Accounting Company 

Sarah Burch, Assistant Professor, Geography & Environmental Management, University of Waterloo 

Heather Douglas, Associate Professor (Waterloo Chair in Science and Society), Philosophy, University of Waterloo 

Tim Gibbins, Business Development Manager, Ontario Centres of Excellence 

10:45 - 11:00 am 


11:00 -12:30 pm 

Panel Two 

Low Energy Green Buildings: What Can Innovation Do? 

Paul Parker, Professor & Associate Dean Strategic Initiatives, University of Waterloo


Rawlson O’Neil King, Communications Director, Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) 

Adrian Conrad, Chief Operating Officer, Cora Group 

Jennifer Lynes, Associate Professor, School of Environment, Enterprise & Development, University of Waterloo 

J. David McAuley, Founder, J. David McAuley Architect Inc. 

Andrew Crees, Program Manager, Construction & Infrastructure Standards, CSA Group 

12:30 - 1:45 pm 


Innovation Showcase, Networking & Industry-Academic Collaboration 

1:45 - 2:15 pm 

Luncheon Key Note Speaker  

Chris Henderson, President, Lumos Energy 

2:15 - 3:30 pm 

Panel Three

Energy Access for Canada's Remote First Nations Communities: If Not Now, When? 

Chris Henderson, President, Lumos Energy 

Tabatha Bull, Senior Manager - First Nation & Métis Relations, Independent Electricity System Operator 

Cara Sanders, Associate, Lumos Energy 

Claudio Cañizares, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo 

Klaus Dohring, President, Green Sun Rising Inc. 

3:30 - 3:45 pm 

Closing Remarks 

3:45 - 4:45 pm 


Innovation Showcase, Networking & Industry-Academic Collaboration