WISE Public Lecture
WISE Lecture Series - PEM Fuel Cell Catalysis and Supercapacitors at National Research Council of Canada
WISE Lecture Series - PEM Fuel Cell Catalysis and Supercapacitors at National Research Council of Canada
WISE Lecture Series - Modeling and Optimization of a Micro-Grid: Huatacondo, Isolated Village in Northern Chile
WISE Lecture Series - Demand Responsive Buildings: Reducing on-peak electricity use in offices and houses
WISE Lecture Series - Climate Change: The Corporate and Collective Response
WISE Lecture Series - A Field Experiment to Evaluate the Impact of Information on Electricity Consumption
WISE Lecture Series - Estimating the Volatility of Wind Energy from High Frequency Data
WISE Lecture Series - Smarter Energy: The Promise of Cyber-Physical Systems
WISE Lecture Series - Low Carbon Green Technologies for Off Grid Power Generation using Renewable Energy for Developing Economies to Energize Dispersed Communities
WISE Lecture Series - The Making of Canada’s Greenest Office Building
WISE Lecture Series - Smart Grid, Renewables, Electric Mobility: Challenges and Potential of an Integrative Approach