Launch Event - Affordable Energy For Humanity: A Global Change Initiative
WISE proudly announced the launch of ‘A Global Change Initiative: Affordable Energy For Humanity’. In partnership with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Germany, Waterloo Global Science Initiative (WGSI) and University of Waterloo: WISE Executive Director Professor Jatin Nathwani and Professor Dr. Joachim, Knebel led the way towards the next energy transition on a global scale by harnessing the insights of existing expertise and the technological capacity for innovation at leading universities and institutions around the world. . The public launch event began at 3pm September 29th DC1302 which included Professor Nathwani’s lecture: ‘Affordable Energy for Humanity: If Not Now, When?’ followed by the announcement of the AE4H Initiative and a wine and cheese reception in the lounge.
Professor Jatin Nathwani, Ontario Research Chair in Public Policy for Sustainable Energy, University of Waterloo, discussed the pathways to a low carbon energy future. The goal is to unlock scientific and technological innovations to deliver clean, low cost energy services to every global citizen.