There are several on-campus research facilities accessible to the Wind Energy Group.
Turbulent Flow Laboratory
Small-scale aerodynamics and aeroacoustics research is performed in the closed-loop, small-scale wind tunnel (figure 1), located in the Turbulent Flow Laboratory. With a 15.2 cm square test section with a glass window, the tunnel is excellent for laser-based flow measurement techniques such as particle image velocimetry (PIV) and laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV). The tunnel is equipped with a variable frequency drive allowing for precise control of freestream speeds greater than 40 m/s.

Fluid Mechanics Research Laboratory
Aerodynamics testing is also performed in the Fluid Mechanics Research Laboratory, which is equipped with an open-circuit, adaptive-wall tunnel (figure 2) with a 91cm by 61 cm test section and an open-circuit, blower tunnel with a 61 cm square test-section. The adaptive-wall tunnel can nearly eliminate the effects of blockage by setting the adjustable walls in the shape of the outer streamlines of the flow and can be used for wind speeds up to 40 m/s. Common measurement techniques in this facility include LDV, hot-wire anemometry, and numerous flow visualization techniques.