WiCS August Newsletter 2021

Hello WiCS students!   


We hope that you are all staying safe and that you are having a great end to your spring term! We wanted to let you know about some of the exciting upcoming opportunities and events that WiCS has planned.  



  • Grace Hopper Celebration Applications (Applications open for waitlist) 

  • Involvement in WiCS Fall Initiatives (Due Aug. 6) 

  • WiCS Undergraduate Committee Applications (Due Aug. 4)

  • Recruiting 101 (Aug. 5) 

  • WiCS Hangouts (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays)

  • Fridays Campus Resource Features on Instagram (Every Friday) 

  • INSIGHT (Virtual) (Aug. 30- Sept. 2)


Grace Hopper Celebration Applications 

The Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) is the world’s largest technical conference for women in computing.

In 2021, the Grace Hopper Celebration will be held virtually from Sept 27 to Oct. 1. Read more about GHC 2021 at https://ghc.anitab.org/.

Applications were due on June 7, however, we are still accepting applications for our waitlist. We will continue to allocate registrations to those on the waitlist as registrations become available. We expect to continue to be able to do this until late August at least (perhaps longer- it will depend on what deadline GHC has for making registration substitutions).

Please apply using the following link: https://forms.gle/6mgEWwboPyP4BA7L7 


Involvement in WiCS Fall Initiatives 

WiCS is looking for upper year students who want to get involved in WiCS activities this upcoming Fall term! We have various initiatives that will be taking place including Bubbles, Orientation, WiCS Con and Student Profiles on the WiCS Instagram and website. Please fill out this form if you are interested in taking part in any of these initiatives. Please note, this is limited to UW students. The deadline to apply is August 6 at 11:59 pm ET.

Fill out the following form: https://forms.gle/AXVfjSWWkM3xeocr5  


WiCS Undergraduate Committee Applications 

The WiCS undergrad committee is now recruiting for Fall 2021! If you have a passion for diversity in tech, and would like to organize WiCS initiatives with us, please apply! We’re looking forward to reading your applications. 

Apply @ tinyurl.com/wics-f21-app by August 4th at 11:59 PM! 


Recruiting 101 

We understand the co-op search process can be quite intimidating and tricky to navigate, but we’re here to help! Check out our Recruiting 101 event to receive tips on external recruiting, WaterlooWorks, preparing a resume and prepping for interviews, and much more! We’re here to guide and help you find your dream co-op.

This event will be taking place on Thursday, August 5th at 6-7 PM EST. Sign up at tinyurl.com/wics-coop-101 


WiCS Hangouts 

Come join WiCS committee members and hang out with us! We’ll be hanging out in our Discord voice channel, where you can come ask us about anything and everything. Feel free to ask us for any advice, take a look at your resume, or just hop on for a quick chat to de-stress. The Discord link is: https://discord.com/invite/KjHfTdA. We'll be in the “hangout-hours” voice channel!

Our hangouts hours are (in EST):  

Mondays 8:30-9:30pm: Audrey (3A) & Richa (2A) 

Tuesdays 6-7pm: Angelina (4A) & Nina (3A) 

Thursdays 8-9pm: Maryam (2A) & Jaskomal (2A) 

Fridays 10-11am: Audrey & Celine (4B) 


Fridays Campus Resource Features on Instagram 

Every Friday, on the WiCS Instagram, we will be posting a helpful and useful campus resource available to students on our story! These will include academic resources, co-op and career advice resources, health and wellness resources, and more! Make sure you are following our Instagram account in order to check these Friday Features out! 

Visit and follow our Instagram account at the following link: https://www.instagram.com/uwaterloowics/   


INSIGHT (Virtual) 

Jane Street is a quantitative trading firm that uses innovative technology, a scientific approach, and a deep understanding of markets to guide their business. They are a global liquidity provider and market maker. With offices in New York, London, Hong Kong and Amsterdam, they operate around the clock and around the globe. 
This August 30th - September 2nd, Jane Street is excited to host their New York based INSIGHT program. They are inviting self-identifying women and gender expansive people to learn more about what they do through a series of classes and activities. INSIGHT will be presented virtually from NYC. This will be taking place from August 30 to September 2. Learn more here. 

WiCS Event Calendar Link: 


WiCS Social Media Channels 

Follow our Instagram and Facebook Page to stay up to date on all upcoming events! And follow our LinkedIn to stay connected!