Technovation Girls Waterloo

technovation 2024 workshop #2 group photo

Are you a girl who is ready to change the world? 

Be part of the change! Technovation Girls is a free, 12-week program that equips girls and young women+ (including transgender, gender non-binary, and gender fluid) ages 8-18 with the skills to become tech entrepreneurs and leaders. With the support of volunteer mentors, students work in teams to code mobile apps or AI solutions that address real-world problems they've identified.

Learn more about Technovation at

Waterloo Chapter overview

Women in Computer Science (WiCS) Outreach oversees the Waterloo Chapter of Technovation Girls, which supports teams in the junior (ages 13-15) and senior (ages 16-18) divisions. The chapter includes students from Cambridge, Elmira, Guelph, Kitchener, London, Stratford, Waterloo, and their surrounding townships.

For more details, please download our Technovation Girls Info Package.


Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2023/2024 season!

Registration for our 2024/2025 season will open in Fall 2024.

Remote video URL

Two teams of Waterloo Region elementary school students have progressed to the semi-finals in the junior division of the 2023 Technovation Girls Challenge. Technovation Girls is an international 12-week program with regional chapters that equips girls and young women, including transgender, non-binary, and gender-fluid individuals ages 10 to 18 with problem-solving, leadership and coding skills to become the next generation of tech entrepreneurs and leaders.

Get Involved

Technovation Girls Waterloo is supported by a dedicated team of volunteers and community partners. Join us by getting involved in Technovation Girls.

Become a Volunteer

Technovation Girls needs many volunteers to make things happen (all folks welcome). People like you! Read below to find out more about the different ways you can volunteer with Technovation Girls.


Role Description

As a mentor, your primary role is to be a project manager for your team. This includes helping your team:

  • Keep on-track with the curriculum;
  • Meet deadlines;
  • Find solutions to problems;
  • Designate work responsibilities.

The three facets of a mentor are someone who helps with:

  1. project management,
  2. time management and,
  3. creating focus for the team.

You don't have to be an expert, but instead able to help the girls find solutions to their problems. Technical and non-technical mentors are welcome.

Time Commitment

~2-3 hours a week from January to April


Role Description

Coaches provide feedback to teams in a one-on-one setting at designated workshops. These are folks who are interested in supporting the program but have less free time in their calendars.

The times and topics of the working sessions are as follows:

  • Ideation
  • Prototyping + Coding + UX/UI Design
  • Coding + Business Plan
  • Pitch feedback

Time Commitment

2-4 hours a month from January to April. Coaches are not required to attend every session, only those for which they are available.


Role Description

Speakers are experts on their chosen subject matter and deliver engaging, interactive workshops to Technovation participants. Speakers can either refine and present existing content or create their own presentation to be delivered at our weekly Technovation virtual workshops.

Topic categories include:

  • Ideation
  • Coding
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Pitch
  • Artificial Intelligence

Time Commitment

~15-45 minutes per presentation (+ prep time).


Role Description

Judges review submissions from teams, offer feedback and encourage teams to keep building. This helps strengthen team pitches for the global competition.

Time Commitment

30 minutes for training on evaluating submissions + ~3 hours for reviewing submissions.

Regional Pitch Event

At the conclusion of each season, teams pitch their apps and AI solutions to a panel of judges. The judges will provide feedback and score the teams based on pre-determined criteria; top-scoring teams are able to move on to become semi-finalists. Semi-finalists have their submissions reviewed once again to select a team to move on to the Global Pitch Event. We anticipate we will be holding an in-person Regional Pitch Event this year again!

Find out more about the judging process by clicking here.

Become a Community Partner or Sponsor

Technovation Girls is requires the support of community partners to help run our season. 

Partners can:

  • Host a workshop, which involves providing:
    • The event space
    • Equipment
    • If possible, a water dispenser for refreshments for attendees
  • Engage staff to be mentors and coaches to work with teams

Sponsors can: 

  • Donate to support our Regional Pitch Event, held in May, where teams pitch their projects to a live team of judges  
  • Fund t-shirts for teams and other swag
  • Offer prizes (Consider experiences for the girls, like tours of local companies, automatic acceptance into a youth developer program, or a summer internship. We're open to ideas!)

Reach out to if you are interested in becoming a Community Partner or Sponsor.

Spread the Word

You can help Technovation Girls by spreading the word throughout the community! Spread the word within your place of work with colleagues and to any parents that you may know.

For questions about registration, submissions, the curriculum, and the program please read the Technovation Challenge FAQ.

Our Community Partners

With thanks and gratitude to our community partners for their support and sponsorship!

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SAP company logo
GHD Digital Logo
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CodeGirl is a documentary from 2015 about the Technovation Challenge. It tells the story of a number of high school-aged girls from around the world as they try to better their community through technology and collaboration in a thrilling, heartfelt documentary.


Remote video URL

CodeGirl is a documentary from 2015 about the Technovation Challenge. It tells the story of a number of high school-aged girls from around the world as they try to better their community through technology and collaboration in a thrilling, heartfelt documentary.

Go to to find out how you can rent or buy the documentary.


Remote video URL