Week 2 Newsletter

Hello everybody to Week 2 of our weekly updates!

👉 For this update we are focusing on Teams. Now is the time to be recruiting team members! You can have up to 5 student members on your team.  You can be a team of 1, but we do not recommend it.  We would recommend that your team has at least 3 to 4 student members. You can find information below how to form a team. 

👉But first: Your Waterloo Chapter is still busy planning our upcoming events with the help of our Sponsors. Please remember:  Our in-person events are open and free for everybody.

Waterloo Kick-off Event - Saturday, January 27th, 2024

Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm

Location: On-campus at the University of Waterloo

Join us for our season kick-off! Get to know your community and form teams! We will share information about the specifics of the program, brainstorm ideas, introduce the MIT App Inventor, and eat pizza!

👉To attend, please RSVP at the Technovation Girls Kick-off eventParents and siblings are welcome to join! (Please note, details of the event will be sent out to our participants in a separate email.)

Monthly In-person Working Sessions - starting Saturday, February 10th, 2024

#1 Session: Saturday February 10th, 2024. 
Brainstorming, Market Research, Coding (App & AI)

#2 Saturday March 2nd, 2024. 
Paper Prototyping, Technovation Learning Journey (Part 1), and Business Planning for the Senior Division as well as User Adoption Plan for the Junior Division.

#3 Saturday April 6th, 2024. 
Focus on Pitching, and Technovation Learning Journey (Part 2).


To form a team you have two options: 

Option 1: We strongly recommend recruiting teammates from your friends and peers at your school - this way, your team can meet in person every week. Maybe you ask your Math or Computing teacher for help? Your teammates can be in different grades!

(Once you have recruited your teammates, have one team member go to the Technovationwebsite and register your team. Create a team summary. Then, if that person selects <My Team> at the top of the Technovation page, they can invite the others to join the team by providing their email addresses. You can also check a box to indicate if other Technovationstudents can request to join your team.)

Option 2: Go online to the Technovation website and see which teams are looking for more members. Ask to join. 

If you are a member of the Waterloo Chapter, there are two more options for you:

Option 3: After our Ideation workshop, we will attach a sign-up sheet for you where you can indicate to other students of our Chapter that you are looking for a team or teammate(s) based on what you learned in our workshop. 

Option 4: You can meet other Technovation Girls at our Kick-Off event. During our Brainstorming and Ideation workshop you will be able to see who might have the same interests or ideas. There will also be icebreakers to get to know each other. 

Team Division: 

Either way, one thing to keep in mind is that each team will either compete in the Junior Division or the Senior Division. The Junior Division will be teams of students of age 13-15 as of August 1, 2024. The Senior Division will be teams of students of age 16-18 as of August 1, 2024. 

  • If any member of your team is 13 - 15 on August 1, 2024, then you will be considered a Junior Division Team.
  • If any member of your team is 16-18 on August 1, 2024, then you will be considered a Senior Division Team.
  • If any member of your team is 19 on August 2, 2024, then they cannot be a student member of your team. Ask them to be a mentor instead!

(The Technovation eligibility for student participants can be found here.)