Week 7 Newsletter

Hello everybody to our weekly newsletter! We are on Week 5 of the Technovation Curriculum!

This week we are working on pairing our teams with our mentors as well as forming teams for those who are still looking for teammates. Please make sure that all teams are registered on the Technovation website. It is also important for all participants to be registered with the Waterloo Chapter AND Technovation Global. Individual team status and reminder emails went out this week. 

👩🏼‍🏫1:1 Coaching!
There will be the possibility for our teams to book 1:1 coaching time for this Saturday. Please fill out our Google Coaching form


This week you will learn about prototyping, the benefits of prototyping, and how you can create a prototype for your product. You will also learn about different user interface features and coding components you can incorporate in your app, and ways you can improve user experience. This week's curriculum also emphasises the importance of planning and ways you can discuss appropriate timelines with your team members.

We have created a Week 5 Checklist for you based on the curriculum. These Weekly Checklists are made to help you stay on track by covering all the milestones your team should be striving to reach each week. The Technovation slideshow is also linked in the checklist!

📆Our upcoming workshop is on March 2nd! 

Time: 10:00am - 4:00 pm
Location: GHD, 455 Phillip St, Waterloo - one of the former RIM buildings close to UWaterloo!

To attend, RSVP here: Technovation Girls Working Session #2

Registration will close on Thursday, February 29, 2024 and we will not be able to accept late registrants. Parents and siblings are welcome to join! (Please cancel your registration if you can’t come! Otherwise, you may take  a spot from another girl!)

On our agenda is business planning for our seniors, a presentation of Minimum Viable Product (MVP), paper prototyping and user testing, as well as a presentation of the learning journey part 1 (soft skills).

GHD’s WING ERG (Woman in GHD) is excited to meet with our Technovation Girls. They have a panel discussion planned for us where they will talk about their experience as women in the tech world. 

👉 Our next events

#3 Saturday April 6th, 2024. Location: Google Waterloo, 51 Breithaupt St, Kitchener, Focus on pitching, and Technovation Learning Journey (part 2)