Accessibility Committee

About the Accessibility Committee

Advisory to the Chief Human Resources Officer, the Accessibility Committee provides a forum for consultation and collaboration on campus-wide initiatives relative to improving the accessibility of the University and its campuses for persons with disabilities whether they be employees, students, visitors, or members of the general public. Compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) is a foundational focus for the Accessibility Committee and where possible, members will consider inclusive practices that extend beyond a state of AODA compliance.

Terms of Reference


  • Develop the University’s Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP), including goals, targets, and priorities for implementation of the AODA requirements and its Accessibility Standards.
  • Make recommendations to the Associate Provost, Human Resources regarding tasks/initiatives to meet plans identified within MYAP, including policies and institutional change, and suggested members of Working Groups
  • Monitor the progress towards achievement of AODA Accessibility Standards implementation across the University, through regular updates from Working Groups
  • Prepare annual reports for Associate Provost, Human Resources, documenting the University’s progress towards accessibility in the preceding year, and form the basis for the University’s upcoming MYAP.
  • Solicit input and feedback from the Accessibility Advisory Group on the MYAP development and implementation to ensure the voice of University community is considered in all aspects of accessibility planning within the university.
  • Oversee the filing of the required biennial accessibility reports to the Ontario government regarding the University’s compliance with AODA.
  • Receive expression of concerns from the University community, including the Accessibility Advisory Group, relating to accessibility for persons with disabilities, taking action as appropriate
  • Be a champion for accessibility.
  • Serve as a resource to the university on issues related to accessibility
  • Work in collaboration with, and build upon the work done in various other related University committees and initiatives, such as those associated with the Provost’s Advisory Committee on Equity, President’s Advisory Committee on Environmental Sustainability, and Campus Wellness Collaborative


The Accessibility Committee consists of at least one representative from each of the Faculty and Staff Associations, CUPE Local 793, the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association, and the Graduate Students Association. The following University departments have been selected for membership on the AC based on their involvement with and influence over campus accessibility issues for persons with disabilities:

  • AccessAbility Services
  • Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs
  • Human Resources
  • Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion
  • Information Systems Technology
  • Library
  • Plant Operations
  • Registrar
  • Student Success Office

Any group appointing representatives will be encouraged to assign members who identify as a person with disability.

Meeting frequency

Meetings will be at least once per term, or as necessary. Working groups will meet as often as necessary to carry out its mandate.

Our Accessibilty Committee members

The most current members of the Accessibility Committee are:

  Name Area of representation
Association representatives Ralph Wind CUPE Local 793
Rory Norris Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA)
Katie Damphouse Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo (FAUW)
Zara Rafferty Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo (FAUW)
Fatima Suleiman Graduate Student Association (GSA)
Stefaniada Voichita University of Waterloo Staff Association (UWSA)
Departments Jennifer Gillies Associate Director AccessAbility Services
Marianne Simms Director, Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs
Joyce Barlow (Chair) Associate Director, Disability Inclusion Human Resources

Christine Zaza (Secretary)

Workplace Accessibility Specialist Human Resources
Gina Hickman Director, Equity Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism
Nancy Heide Director, The Centre Registrar's Office
Joe Kwan Manager, Client Services Information Systems Technology
Victoria Chu Associate University Librarian, Learning, Research and User Services Library
Ryan Ball Liaison Librarian Library
Rob Hunsperger Director, Design and Construction Services Plant Operations
Melissa Moogk-Soulis Design Technologist, Architectural Plant Operations
Jennifer Coghlin Associate Registrar, Enrolment Services Academic Policy Registrar
Pam Charbonneau Director, Student Success Student Success Office

In addition to the above members, other individuals within the University may be called upon from time to time to serve as members of working groups, or to complete actions decided by the Accessibility Committee and approved by executive leadership.

Decision making

From time to time, it is expected that the committee will make reports, which may include recommendations, to bring forward to the Associate Provost, Human Resources. When forming these reports:

  • The committee will make every effort to operate on a consensus model.
  • When consensus is not attainable, the committee will follow a democratic process.
  • It is understood that recommendations of the committee remain subject to normal University of Waterloo policies and approval processes

If community members are interested in supporting Waterloo's accessibility, learn more about our Community Engagement opportunities. The Disability Affinity Program facilitates community engagement at Waterloo - contact to discuss how to promote your community engagement opportunity.