Church (BASc '76) is a strong advocate and donor for undergraduate and graduate scholarships. "He is committed to ensuring that any student who is academically eligible to attend Waterloo engineering is financially able to do so," says Nenone Donaldson, a senior development officer in the Faculty of Engineering, who submitted Church's nomination on behalf of the faculty.
After graduating, Church re-established his connection to the University of Waterloo in 1986 as a reunion organizer and, by 2001, he was appointed to the University of Waterloo Board of Governors. He has also supported young people by consistently hiring them during his long career in the manufacturing industry. He is currently the president and chief executive officer of Mancor Industries in Oakville.
One of his favourite memories of student life at Waterloo was designing and building a bridge out of balsa wood in mechanical engineering. The project won his team first prize, which meant free beer at the Faculty Club.
He says, "Being involved with the University of Waterloo Board of Governors and providing various scholarships has been personally rewarding and a great way to stay connected to some really interesting people."

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