In her seven years as president of the Accounting Alumni Association, Ditner has been involved in numerous alumni events including the annual Chartered Accountant Convocation, and an annual event for students who want information about the CA examinations. She has attended the School of Accountancy's annual convocation for its MAcc students, and presented the Alumni Gold Medal to the top graduate. In 2004, Ditner was named a fellow of the School of Accountancy.
In addition to being a regular contributor to alumni fundraising campaigns, Ditner has helped fund a BDO Dunwoody scholarship for Waterloo accounting students.
While a student, Ditner completed all of her co-op terms and her MAcc internship with BDO Dunwoody and continued with the firm after graduating. She was admitted to partnership in 2002 and continues to develop her career as the national assurance standards partner. She has been involved in several international BDO committees and has taught courses around the world. Ditner has played significant roles within the profession's governing bodies, mainly in the area of professional education, certification, and standard setting, including seven years on the Chartered Accountants of Canada's Assurance Standards Board, and a term as chair of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario's Examinations Committee.

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