So when someone suggested the young applied chemistry student should try law school, Agnew embraced the challenge. The unorthodox career move paid off. Today, Agnew is a well-known lawyer who has spent the past 40 years straddling the worlds of law, the arts, and science.
The Yeti Agnew Award in the Faculty of Science is part of her legacy. Agnew has also served on the University of Waterloo Board of Governors, the National Alumni Communications Committee and the Alumni Development Council.
In the city of Waterloo, Agnew helped establish the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery. She has also joined other University of Waterloo alumni in founding the Musagetes Foundation, an innovative group seeking to incorporate the arts into all aspects of life. Her busy Toronto law practice, Agnew & Gladstone LLP, has not kept her from other pursuits and she is currently training for her sixth marathon. Agnew credits the University of Waterloo for a "superb life-long education in pushing the boundaries and living life to the fullest."