It was a dramatic moment for a young optometry student who would go on to become a leader in her profession and her community. Brisson, now a Guelph optometrist and partner in Brisson, Leis and Associates, says: "I'm sure the seeds of my subsequent interest in volunteering for my profession were sown that day."
Brisson is one of the School of Optometry's top alumni donors and has been an active fundraiser in its expansion campaign. She has also been a mentor and clinical supervisor for students. Between 1997 and 2003, Brisson was a member of the University of Waterloo's Board of Governors.
Brisson has also been active in Guelph, serving as chair of the board for the YMCA-YWCA of Guelph. She is a member of the Zonta Club of Guelph and has served on the board for Planned Parenthood Guelph and the Wellington branch of the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities. She currently sits on the board of the Meridian Credit Union, the largest credit union in Ontario.
She has received the Ontario Association of Optometrists Millennium Award and the Canada 125 Medal, a federal government award for volunteerism.
"When I think of the University of Waterloo I think of innovation and excellence," says Brisson. "The University of Waterloo provided me with the training for my life career. I also look to Waterloo for quality continuing education and research related to my profession."

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