It was also a time of long hours in stifling heat. "The portables had no air-conditioning and classes during the summer term were brutal," recalls Lennox. "In drafting class it was difficult not to sweat on your drawings, and any sweat marks were unacceptable to the professor."
Lennox survived his student days, received his PhD from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, and returned to campus in 1966 as an assistant professor in the civil engineering department. Lennox soon became actively involved in the life of the school, becoming chair of civil engineering in 1979, and serving as dean of engineering from 1982 until 1990.
During his time at Waterloo, Lennox helped establish the geological and environmental engineering programs, was instrumental in setting up the Engineering Science Quest (ESQ) program and was the founding director of the Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation. He was given the Engineering Alumni Achievement Medal in 2003 and is currently a distinguished professor emeritus of engineering.
During his time at the University of Waterloo, Lennox was actively involved in committees and boards both within the university and externally. He has co-chaired the Women in Engineering Committee, was involved in the university's faculty relations committee, and served on the board of directors for the Canadian Industrial Innovation Centre. He was a consultant on the UNESCO Study Groups for Engineering Education, and a member of a federal government steering committee for the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology.

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