Priceless Experiences with Valuable Lessons

Friday, May 30, 2014

Written by Renishaki Kamalanathan (4th Year Arts Student)

Renish in front of bulletin board

My name is Renishaki Kamalanathan, I go by Renish and I am a recent graduate from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Waterloo. I’m an aspiring entrepreneur and am looking forward to pursuing my passion-led ventures crossing an academic finish line!

I take pride in my experience at the University and especially under the amazing Faculty of Arts. I have learned the valuable essences of community, relationships and innovation. UWaterloo was my number one choice when deciding which university I wanted to attend. The abundance of support and knowledge I found here in Arts and the University was indescribable and priceless. From the very first day of first year, I have built valuable relationships with inspirational peers, advisors, faculty staff, professors, who have now become my life-long mentors.

The Arts Student Union was a major stepping stone into the world of building strong connections. I started off as the First Year Representative and took on executive roles throughout my upper years and have served as the President in my final year. Way to end my last year with a bang! Serving on the Arts Student Union, representing the students of the Arts Faculty as the Undergraduate Senator, Arts Ambassador and taking roles of various committees was my way of giving back to a community that gave me so much more than an education. Being involved kept me motivated by being surrounded by like-minded individuals who continuously inspire me to be at my best and taught me the skills of being a good leader. 

On the innovation side of things, Waterloo doesn’t kid around. In my fourth year, I was exposed to the Green House incubator program at St. Paul’s. I met with the program coordinator, as she wanted to discuss with the Student Union President ways to promote the program to the students in the Faculty of Arts. This is where I jumped on the chance of getting involved myself. I have been a walking, talking promoter of the program ever since! I got to express my creativity, create, collaborate and pursue my ideas. It was the beauty of having the knowledge of various social sciences bridging business models with innovation, which then led to the creation of enterprises and now my e-mail signature has “Social Entrepreneur” mentioned as a title under my name. 

I definitely owe it to the University of Waterloo for being such a dynamic and important pillar that has given me such a priceless experience with valuable lessons. It will always be a part of me. I take pride in being a graduate from the phenomenal Faculty of Arts at the prestigious University of Waterloo. Cheers to my favourite people, city and a place I could call my second home. Waterloo is amazing. Amazing is an understatement, it accepts both my academics, my story and gives me the opportunity to nurture the path I create as an undergrad, whether I choose a major specific program or a joint program, there's a path for that and it is humbling to know I am at a University that provides me with such support and makes me feel like a bright human being that has the power to change the world.