Filter by:
Kim Bardwell
Director, Advancement, Faculty of Arts
519-888-4567 x47310
PAS 2414
Lesley Bayne
Associate Director, Development, Faculty of Mathematics
Sarah Nicole Bishop
Events Specialist, Faculty of Engineering
519-888-4567 x40559
E7 7339
Contact for:
Engineering events including alumni, donor, faculty/staff and student events
Josh Bolender
Alumni Relations Program Coordinator, Outreach

519-888-4567 x42086
EC1 2223A
- Oversees Frames sales and inquiries
- Assists with Event registrations and inquiries for Event Codes, Mini-Bios and After-Coding
- Processes financials for event revenue
Alison Boyd
Senior Director, Alumni Relations

Gosia Brestovacki
Senior Alumni Officer, Faculty of Engineering

519-888-4567 ext. 46838
Nina Brzak
Advancement Coordinator, Faculty of Science
519-888-4567 x41066
ESC 253
Andrea Carthew
Director of Advancement, Faculty of Health
Contact for:
Developing and implementing the fundraising, donor relations, alumni affairs and associated communication strategies, leveraging resources and collaborating with campus partners
Nadine Collins (on leave)
Associate Director, Advancement, Faculty of Mathematics
Contact for:
A member of the leadership team in the Faculty of Math Advancement Office. Manages the relationship of high level donors, alumni, prospects and volunteers in the Southern Ontario and Ottawa regions. Leads the Engagement Team consisting of Alumni Engagemen
Karrie Cornies
Events and Conference Coordinator, Renison University College
519-884-4404 x28591
REN 2304A
Contact for:
Renison events, community outreach, room bookings
Lana Dadson
Development Officer, Faculty of Environment
519-888-4567 x40677
EV1 330
Contact for:
Faculty of Environment pipeline development, special projects and cases for support, events
Mari-Beth Davis
Associate Director, Volunteer Engagement and Events.

519-888-4567 x45422
- Oversees the Global Alumni Volunteer Network, an integrated volunteer model that aligns closely volunteer-driven initiatives with Advancement strategic priorities
- Oversees the involvement of Leadership Advisors and Alumni Council in Global Volunteer programs
- Supports Advancement wide on volunteer management best practices and data base maintenance.
Nenone Donaldson
Vice-President, Advancement
NH 3005A
Contact for:
Supports the University’s academic, research, and service goals.
Julie Dring
Advancement Manager, School of Architecture
519-888-4567 x27662
ARC 2106
Contact for:
Alumni relations for School of Architecture, Development office for School of Architecture, Events and communications assistance for School of Architecture
Pat Duguay
Senior Alumni Experience Officer
519-888-4567 ext.45310
Contact for:
strategic alumni & donor engagement, engagement strategy
Cort Egan
Director of External Relations and Communications, Renison University College

519-884-4404 ext. 28605
Kelsey Gagnon
Interim Associate Director, Advancement
519-888-4567 x46546
OPT 245
Shannon Geil
Executive Assistant, Engagement
519-888-4567 x41928
EC1 2229A
Administrative support and coordination for the Alumni Relations and Engagement department
Tanya Gillert
Career Advisor, Students and Alumni

519-888-4567 ext.37363
- One-on-one career related meetings with alumni through Skype, by phone and in person
- Meetings can focus on résumé creation, interview prep, career search
Katelyn Gordner
Alumni Engagement Officer, Faculty of Health
519-888-4567 x41716
BMH 3110
Kari Griffiths
Events Manager, Faculty of Engineering
519-888-4567 x41309
E7 7341
Contact for:
Oversees all Events (internal and external) for the Dean of Engineering Office - donor, alumni, faculty, staff, students, recruitment, industry, government, Manages Faculty Events Spaces
Sheilaah Guthrie
Associate Director, Advancement, School of Accounting and Finance
519-888-4567 ext. 48197
Megan Hannath
Alumni Officer, Student Alumni Bridge

519-888-4567 x 43069
EC1 2223B
- Develops and implements programs engaging students and alumni, providing meaningful opportunities for personal and professional development.
- Responsible for convocation receptions following each ceremony in June and October
- Identifies opportunities to engage alumni in on-campus programming, including the Life After Graduation program in partnership with Waterloo Residences
Victoria Hinde
Alumni Development Officer, School of Accounting and Finance
519-888-4567, ext. 48951
HH 290G
Contact for:
SAF alumni outreach and engagement programs, SAF Advancement communications, and fundraising strategies.
Chinweike Anastasia Ike-Orji
Events and Strategic Marketing Manager, Faculty of Environment
519-888-4567 x40645
EV1 333
Salman Jivani
Associate Vice-President, Engagement
Contact for:
Leads alumni engagement and fundraising strategies and initiatives for annual, leadership, and planned gifts that support University of Waterloo priorities and values.
Alumni & Donor Experience
Rubin Kataki
Development Officer, Faculty of Arts
PAS 2416
Contact for:
Corporate and individual fundraising of gifts within the Faculty of Arts
Jill Kennedy
Associate Director, Development, Faculty of Engineering
519-888-4567 x48149
E7 7338
Maryam Latifpoor-Keparoutis
Director, Advancement, Faculty of Environment
519-888-4567 x48342
EV1 331
Kim Madume
Development Assistant
519-884-8110 x28360
STJ 1002
Contact for:
Managing all administrative functions to support its efficient and effective operation: donor information, prospect identification, and support with executing the fundraising strategy
Zainab Mahmood
Senior Alumni Officer, Events

519-888-4567 x46469
- Manages annual Alumni Black and Gold Day and Alumni Weekend programming
- Supports central alumni outreach events and programs online and in person
- Manages online event registration system
Lisa McAughey
Alumni Officer, Digital Services & Special Projects

519-888-4567 ext.47320
- Supports alumni team through analytics and data manipulation
- Manages deployment of information for alumni
Tyler MacMillan
Senior Development Officer, Faculty of Mathematics
Contact for:
Faculty of Math related inquiries and giving opportunities, Math priority projects (Math 4, CEMC, Math Innovation, Scholarships)
Bianca Man
Advancement Operations Manager, Faculty of Engineering
519-888-4567 x40099
E7 7336
Fred Martin
Director, Development, Conrad Grebel University College

519-885-0220 ext. 24381
Nancy Mattes
Associate Director, Advancement, Faculty of Arts
519-888-4567 x48213
PAS 2423
Contact for:
Arts Advancement Stewardship Inquiries, Co-Op for Social Good Fund, Sponsorship Inquiries, Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience
Jen McCaig
Manager, Advancement Operations, Faculty of Science
Stephanie McCoy
Advancement Coordinator, School of Accounting & Finance
519-888-4567 x48227
HH 291
Contact for:
Event planning, administrative support, stewardship support
Jacqueline McGann
Events & Special Projects Officer, Office of the Vice-President, Advancement
519-888-4567 x46066
NH 3005
Contact for:
Administrative support for Vice-President, Advancement, Event Management, Special Projects, Communications & Marketing
Melissa McNaughton
Manager of Advancement Operations, Faculty of Mathematics
Contact for:
Oversees office operations and operational support. Direct support to the Director of Advancement Mathematics. Special projects. Financial matters and data relating to Mathematics Advancement, Office operations, human resources, budgeting, workflow
Robin Morden
Senior Communications Officer, Faculty of Mathematics
Contact for:
Cases for support, proposals, alumni stories, E-Ties alumni newsletter, speaking notes for FOM alumni events
Melissa Nantais (on leave)
Senior Advancement Officer, Faculty of Math
Caitlin Old
Alumni & Donor Experience Officer

519-888-4567 x 45303
EC1 2229A
Working with frontline staff across Advancement to better the experience for alumni & donors.
Responsible for improving processes around automated outreach, data segmentation and personalized email distribution.
Margaret O'Neill
Administrative Assistant, Faculty of Engineering
519-888-4567 x43863
E7 7337
Contact for:
administrative support, scheduling, financial inquiries, alumni event registrations
Stephanie Osborne
Development Officer, Faculty of Engineering
519-888-4567 x40083
E7 7362
Contact for:
Fundraising, donor and alumni relations in Ontario with a focus on recent alumni (those who graduated in the last 10 years) around the world
Angela Pause
Senior Writer
519-888-4567 x41739
E7 7362
Vestiana Powell
Senior Alumni Officer, Faculty of Environment
519-888-4567 x41220
EV1 329
Contact for:
lead the development and implementation of our alumni engagement strategy, strengthen and nurture relationships with our diverse alumni community
Katherine Prospero
Senior Alumni Officer, Student Alumni Bridge

519-888-4567 ext. 45891
- Responsible for strategic expansion of the University of Waterloo’s programs and initiatives targeted at the “student-alumni bridge.”
- Works directly with University students and graduates of the last decade (GOLDs) to ensure they establish long and meaningful relationships with the University.
- Oversees Advancement’s diploma and portrait frame sales program
Dheana Ramsay
Senior Alumni Officer, Volunteer Engagement
EC1 2219K
Contact for:
Oversees the Global Alumni Volunteer Network, an integrated volunteer model that aligns closely volunteer-driven initiatives with Advancement strategic priorities Leads the recruitment, training and onboard of new volunteers.
Patricia Rintjema
Alumni Advancement Officer, Faculty of Science
Nancy Schnarr
Communications Manager, Renison University College
519-884-4404 x28735
REN 2603
Contact for:
Renison Alumni and Donor monthly newsletter, Renison Alumni feature profiles, Renison Annual Alumni/Donor magazine, Renison Reports, Management of central Renison social media channels and website
Brittany Stacey
Development Officer, Faculty of Engineering
519-888-4567 x47948
E7 7346
Contact for:
Supports fundraising in the GTA, Montreal and Ottawa
Mary Stanley
Director of Advancement, School of Pharmacy

519-888-4567 ext. 21351
Carrie Stevenson
Director, Strategic Initiatives
519-888-4567 x41137
NH 3005
Prachi Surti
Director, Development & Alumni Relations, Faculty of Engineering
519-888-4567 x46212
E7 7338
Contact for:
Works with the Dean, Associate Deans and Department Chairs to develop and execute the fundraising and alumni engagement strategy for the Faculty of Engineering. Partners with alumni, corporations, foundations and other supporters.
Cathy Wessels
Senior Donor Experience Officer
519-888-4567 x41733
Contact for:
giving opportunities across campus including scholarships and special projects
Hayley Winters
Advancement Coordinator, St. Jerome's University
Phoebe Wong
Senior Alumni Engagement Officer, Faculty of Arts
Christina Young
Donor Relations Officer, Faculty of Mathematics
Contact for:
Development of stewardship activities, Donor relations and strategy development, Waterloo Women's Impact Network
Shannon Charnock-Davis
Development Officer, Faculty of Engineering
Sara Denstedt
Math Advancement Coordinator
Sophia Diebold
Alumni Relations Event Coordinator
Anjie Dietrich
Senior Development Officer, Faculty of Science
ESC 252
Contact for:
Solicit donations, create relationships with alumni and faculty
Karen Goad
Arts Advancement Coordinator
PAS 2413
Contact for:
Supports the work of the Arts Advancement team via administrative, event, financial, stewardship and HR activities
Rachel Green
Alumni Development Officer
OPT 310
Contact for:
Alumni and development programs specific to Optometry
Lauren Hartman
Senior Development Officer, Faculty of Mathematics
Alexandra Lippert
Director, Advancement, Faculty of Mathematics
Kristine McGlynn
Alumni Engagement Program Specialist
Reid McRob
Marketing and Recruitment Officer
519-885-1460 x25229
UTD 265
Peter Meier
Senior Development Officer, Faculty of Science
ESC 252
Contact for:
Development activities in support of the Faculty of Science
Meaghan Middleton
Director, Advancement, Faculty of Science
ESC 204
Contact for:
Fundraising, donor relations, strategic planning
Marrissa Parkinson
Alumni Advancement and Engagement Coordinator
519-888-4567 x21364
PHR 5014
Kelly Schultz
Senior Development Officer, Faculty of Mathematics
Contact for:
Fundraising efforts and building strong relationships with our donors, faculty partners, staff, alumni, and students
Taylor Selig
Senior Development Officer, Faculty of Engineering
519-888-4567 x 41548
E7 7338
Contact for:
Builds relationships with alumni and industry partners to foster engagement with Waterloo Engineering, secure funding for the Faculty of Engineering, and expand the Waterloo Engineering alumni network.
Lindsay Sine
Alumni & Donor Experience Coordinator
Contact for:
Assists in maintaining ADX process documentation. Assists with ADX project data, tracking and reporting.
Tijhiana Thobani
Alumni Engagement Officer, Faculty of Health
Jenelle White
Alumni Experience Officer
EC1 2223B
Contact for:
keeping prospects moving between alumni and donor pipelines, building strong relationships and generating engagement opportunities and leads