Saturday, July 6, 2013 12:00 pm
12:00 pm
EDT (GMT -04:00)

July 6 is also a Jr. Jays Saturday which provides extra activities for children pre and post game. Waterloo alumni can enter their children ages 5 to 14 in a special contest to win the chance to go on the field for the 7th inning stretch.
12 p.m. uWaterloo guests can pick up their t-shirt and giveaways at gates 10/11. 1:07 p.m. Game begins
Registration includes a Waterloo t-shirt, great giveaways, and your game ticket. Tickets will be mailed in advance but be sure to stop by the Waterloo entrance for great giveaways. T-shirts will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Children under the age of 2 can sit on their parents lap, and do not require a ticket.
Tickets will be mailed to the address used to register.
NOTE: The subsidies for these special prices are financed using revenue generated by our Alumni Affinity programs. For this reason, only Waterloo alumni will be able to register and there is a limit of 3 guests per alumnus. Student numbers are required at time of purchase to verify your status as a Waterloo alumnus.
This event is proudly sponsored by Waterloo’s Affinity partner for life, health and dental insurance – Manulife Financial.