Navigating the University Admissions Process

Thursday, November 27, 2014 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Two women walking on the UWaterloo campus
Alumni Relations and Marketing and Undergraduate Recruitment invites alumni and their children approaching university age to join us at an event that will help you navigate the university admissions process as well as learn about student life at the University of Waterloo!


Doors open at 5pm

5pm-6pm – Browse our information concourse featuring Waterloo’s faculties, campus departments, and current students. Ask all your questions about UWaterloo and get information on everything from campus life to academics and athletics.

Ray Darling
6pm - 7:30pm - Hear from a number of different speakers including young alumnus, David Kaduk, BES '13, and the Waterloo Liaison Team. Listen to Ray Darling, Waterloo's new Registrar give his top tips for success at university. 

Not able to make it to the event? Check out our Find Out More website for details about when we will be visiting your area!